The Next Hottest Summer Ever Update

If the corporate media says it, the odds are good that it is misleading, an incomplete ‘truth,’ or a lie. But because they are so politically driven in their choices and coverage, you can almost glean the truth based on how hyperbolic their response is or how narrow their focus is.

The average winter temperature (Dec-Feb) in New Hampshire is about 2 degrees C warmer than the previous century’s mean. Wait, 2 degrees C? Why hasn’t the world ended? That’s a fair question.

Summer temps (Jun-Aug) are a hair over 1 deg C above the previous century’s average, and again, why hasn’t the world ended? Because they changed it to 2 degrees C, silly!

It could be that the world has ended and we missed it or that it has experienced larger swings in its history (it has) with little impact on surface life (also true) in ways that are effectively meaningless to a species (humans) who have mastered living in nearly any climate (which we have).

For centuries (millennia, truly), humans have found ways to live (often comfortably) in Deserts (Las Vegas and Southern California) and thrive, even above the Arctic Circle. In jungles, on dusty plains, and along the water’s edge. All without Al Gore’s coffee table books, Tom Steyer’s dirty coal money, the UN IPCC, or Governments laundering billions to generate scary “science” by bought-and-paid-for grant-hunting white tower proglodytes who otherwise would get nothing.

As I reminded folks here, this was always about economics and political science, not saving the planet.

A few degrees C means nothing. But if you’ve done an adequate job of grinding out successive generations of increasingly less intellectually agile Americans (public school), scaring them into giving up their freedoms (and paying for the privilege) for a declining lifestyle and opportunity – gets easier. That’s the Claimte Cult scam from Global Warming to Climate Chaos.

One continues large bowel!

The end of an interglacial is not a reason to pilfer future generations to fund anything, and “climate change,” despite all the column inches and your grandchildren’s tax dollars they throw at it, is not much of a priority to anyone (including Democrats, in the Biden economy). That didn’t stop the corporate media (dba: Democrat Communications Consultants) from making up a bunch of sh!t and throwing it at you. Last summer was the hottest summer on record, except it wasn’t, and so what? This year, we promise, they will say it is even hotter, and it might well be.

But last summer (Jun-Aug 2023), New Hampshire’s maximum temperature was one-half of one degree below the 20th-century mean.

You’d be right to wonder what all the yelling was about. Only thirty-three summers in the past 128 years had lower Maximums. I know. Why didn’t we hear about that? Probably because Mother Nature messed up drought season. We got a lot of rain. Oh, and the minimum temperatures were up (it didn’t get as cool at night as the 20th-century mean), but New Hampshire has had at least twenty summers with higher averages than 2023 going back to 1945.

Now, I cannot say for certain if NOAA has meddled with this data. They like to tweak the past and massage the present to create dramatic revelations for the corporate media to parrot. But, even with this data, 2023 was far from the hottest anything unless you mean steaming carts full of, you know what? And that’s a trend upon which we can rely. 2024 will be hotter than whatever it needs to be to excuse all the wasted spending on infrastructure that is neither cleaner nor better than what we had before the Climate scam.

One more point. I have no objections to wind or solar and never have if you pay for your own, and no handouts, subsidies, or incentives for the materials, installation, or power generated. Solar and wind for you (to get off the grid) are just okay by me whether we get climate truths or lies. You also need to cover its end-of-life costs (that should go for EVs as well (which should only be charged with wind, solar, hydro, or nuclear). These are green realities that, like the temperature hysteria fraud, would provide a very clear picture of what you would have to sacrifice to continue on the path these idiots have placed us on. People who have predicted nothing correctly and cannot prove that the warming they claim is catastrophic is any such thing.

It’s all BS, and 2024 will be no different, with one exception. The Cloward-Pivening “migrant” invasion has pushed climate concerns further down the list and could put Democrats in trouble in places they have had locked up for decades.

And no, I am not inferring that the GOP will successfully take advantage of that.

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