Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









The nice thing is that blue helmets are easily IDed from afar.






This, and a thousand other data points… and there are STILL people who think The Potato is doing a good job.  Baffling.  Like here:










About a half a heartbeat…



Remember, this guy was the CONSERVATIVE leader…









Sounds kind of like current events, no?

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting someone in the UK who is a pagan; their recounting of some of the end time prophecies from that belief system does also sound somewhat like what we’re seeing.  So, again, going back to my old blog and two essays I did about the end times (and, yes, I do apologize for some mild cheesecake at the front, but at the time it seemed like the pictures of women did get a lot of traffic; in retrospect, cheesy and a little crass):


E It was the best of times, it was the end of times 1


E It was the best of times, it was the end of times 2



Hey schmuck – “Safe and effective”, eh?  A pity, because I’ve enjoyed many of his movies.




I’d argue to use cinderblocks.  A lot cheaper, much more common, just as effective too, and after SHTF we’ll need millstones far more than cinderblocks.







But… but… but we’re sooooo oppresssed!












If you’re a member, might want to reconsider that membership.  And if you do make the decisions to leave, tell others, and tell Planet Fitness why.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Antifa threatens violence at Indiana speaking event featuring Libs of TikTok, GOP congressman | The Post Millennial |

Saw this too late to put into Monday.  “You know what to do”.  THAT is a dog whistle.

Thanks, Joe: Afghan Women are Not Okay – HotAir

ISIS Is at War With the World Again, Thanks to Biden and Putin – PJ Media

Islam advances, and the West is silent.  And while I don’t specifically agree with the Jesus references, I do agree with the criticism that NICENESS is going to be Western Civilization’s doom.

Being “Nice” is Destroying Western Civilization (

‘White Supremacy’ Is Social Justice™ Code For ‘Economic and Social Success’ – PJ Media

As anyone like me who has lived in Asia can see clearly, the reason for Asian success in the United States — which, as Hunter Biden has shown, is not entirely meritocratic but meritocratic enough for merit to matter — is that Asians tend not to act like feral animals in places like schools, shopping malls, subway systems, etc.

I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do? – Solari Report

On Point 1: I always use cash to the greatest extent possible.  And I need – and you should too – to start writing all the stores you patronize to tell them you like paying in cash.  That’s physically writing.  Not emailed comments, not comment forms.  In this electronic age, actual letters stand out.

Point 11: The problem is that nobody believes me.  It’s all Oh so convenient and all… and when I say, with evidence, that CBDC and an all-electronic payment system is rife with risk, the response is inevitably some version of either Oh that can’t happen here or Oh that’s just not possible.

Douglas Andrews: Obama to the Rescue? | The Patriot Post

Barackus has no choice but to become visible given The Potato’s screw-ups.

K Paul Stoller’s excellent well-written paper on the danger of mRNA technology that is in the mRNA COVID vaccines; it is a bioweapon, it is deadly, it was made to kill; a non-sterilizing vaccine (

What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? (

More on the Jab specifically:

Caught in Their Own Trap? – The Vaccine Reaction

SHOCKING: USA Has Recorded Over 1 Million Excess Deaths Among the Over 65’s Since the FDA “Approved” the COVID-19 Vaccine (

And this is fascinating:

Tucker: Why did they push the Covid vax even when they knew it didn’t work? – Whatfinger News’ Choice Clips

Could this effect of the spike protein on the mind, and ability to learn/be independent vs. being an obedient slave, be deliberate?  And if yes, how on earth could this have been developed?

Creepy Video: Vermont Dems Push Bill Against Gay Porn ‘Book Bans’ In Children’s Libraries – modernity

Seeking to make secret their grooming of kids.  Related to that whole thing:

JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for ‘misgendering’ after Scottish hate crime law takes effect | Human Events |

The FBI (or people claiming to be the FBI, they would not show ID) are coming to people’s houses to “ask” them about social media posts they have made.  Gee, intimidation much?

A couple posts ago I had an article where Slo-Joe was considering making all the illegal aliens into citizens (of course, so they can vote!).  Now the Dems in Congress are actually contemplating that:

Moonbattery Senate Democrats Push to Legalize Illegal Aliens Quickly – Moonbattery

Well, the client list for Epstein’s Island still has not been released, but a dedicated data miner has located ALL the phones that were there, showing maps of where they came from, where they went on the island, how long they were on the island, and many other small details.  Of course, they did not connect it with NAMES mind you, but just the phone data should be enough (it was for the people who came to the Capitol on January 6th, 2021).:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Very interesting… but where are the details???

Same story, different angle:

Leaked Cell Phone Location Data Reveals 200 Mystery Guests On Epstein’s “Pedo Island” | ZeroHedge

It looks like the DOJ was specifically targeting Trump from Day one of Biden’s administration, and Merrick Garland is actually getting flack from them for not putting Trump away by now:

Biden’s DOJ Targeted Trump From Day 1 – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Dems are very worried as the latest polling data suggest that young adults are leaning toward Trump, so they are throttling back on signing up young voters:

Are you ready for your “Social Credit Score”?  Don’t want one?  Well, the banks are already setting it up for you, so you’re getting one whether you want it or not.  This video is about 1 hour & 20 minutes, but the meat is in the first 14 minutes: 

Poland Quietly Confirms NATO Troops Are Deployed in Ukraine – Vigilant News Network

Closer and closer to the edge we get.

Biden raises alarm bells with outright lie about pro-transgender Easter proclamation: ‘If he didn’t do this, then who did?’ | Blaze Media (

Two possibilities.  He did and is now denying it (or doesn’t remember)… or he didn’t, which means – duh! – that he’s not really in charge.  Neither is comforting.


This Bill Whittle video in conclusion.  From 11 years ago.  We must – MUST – remember, all that is currently happening was scripted years… decades… in advance.  We’re only now waking up to it.






To that “doctor”…. please get boosted.  Make sure to take choline supplements for a month before too as it makes the Jab work better.





Always loved Bugs Bunny.






Mental illness.  Pure and simple.






It’s not enough to boycott.  Tell them why.

Tyson Foods

2200 W. Don Tyson Parkway

Springdale, AR 72762



Well, let’s be clear.  Crime, visibly, will go up.  But prosecutions and convictions will go down.





This picture, right there, should be enough to shock anyone.  Now I want you to imagine flipping this, and Trump had done this.  Can you even begin to imagine the outrage and calls for him to be removed from office over something like this?




If it weren’t for double standards, Liberals wouldn’t have any.



Blasphemy.  This makes me sick.

Understand that, years and years and years ago, as a newly-minted atheist &&&





Definitely troubling.





Interesting how I’ve evolved.  I used to have no problem at all with the idea of gays marrying.  Now, while I certainly don’t advocate stonings or anything, I’m far less tolerant than I used to be.



All these nitwits think that their lives will be heaven when civilization falls are in for a very rude awakening.



Something does seem to be coming…






Pick of the Post:



There is probably no simpler visual than this on what the enemedia is – which is deception and alteration of reality.




Palate cleansers:



Knowing from personal experience?




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.






Revisiting and slightly editing a quote I originated in 2020 (I can prove it) but, here it is:


You cannot make a person see something when his view of himself as a superior being – good / highly-educated / intellectual / morally-superior – depends on his not seeing it.

(c) 2024, NITZAKHON

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