Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well … Read more

LA Is Full of Whores – Is Anyone Surprised by That?

Califronia legalied prostitition. What could go wrong? Well, whatever one might expect. Increased visibility, more human trafficking, and wait for it. The cops can’t talk to the girls (unless they look underage), but they are all about ending the trafficking.

Dover school kids need taxpayer porn

Nine Years of Decline and Perversion in Dover

Does creepy Carolyn Mebert, Ward 3, School Board Chair, love porn? Since she’s been on the school board, over 110 sexually explicit books that were not here before, have been added to school libraries.

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as … Read more

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition (On Friday)

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as … Read more

transgender kid

Nashua Library Book Promotes “Sex Work” for Trans-Identifying Teens

I checked out several books in the Teen Room and Children’s Room at the Nashua Public Library about children who identify as transgender. Among the large stack of books was “You’re in the Wrong Bathroom” by Laura Erickson-Schroth in which the author promotes “sex work” as a viable career for gender-confused kids.

A Survivor of Child Sex Trafficking Responds to Bob Clegg

Last week, I wrote about Bob Clegg’s work for “Decriminalize Sex Work”, an organization that paid him to lobby against HB 201, a bill that would have provided increased penalties to people who pay to rape children. He and his partner received $48,000 from this organization for lobbying on their behalf for 2019.

Op-Ed: Chinese Virus Increases Vulnerability for Prostitution

In a stealth move the Vermont House of Representatives passed a proposal to “establish a study committee” to study decriminalization of prostitution without a public hearing. The vote on HB 568 was 126-19.  The bill is a precursor to HB 5659 which repeals all prohibitions on prostitution, including pimps, brothel keepers, facilitators, and buyers. This … Read more

woman girl dust

Teen Vogue Sells ‘Sex Work’ to Kids as Real Work

One of the side effects of the Left’s open border policy has been increased human and sex trafficking. Cartels and gangs who profit off the drug trade also use girls and women for fun and profit. The party of women claims to oppose these abuses so why are they promoting them?

When Will They Be Knocking “Racist” Statues Down in New Hampshire?

Defacing and vandalizing property is not new for the left so when the party of inclusive excellence gets to excluding bits of history they’ve decided is objectionable historical monuments beware. Civil war icons of the south and enablers of slavery are being pulled down–or in the case of Baltimore removed by the powers that be–because that’s what the Left is … Read more

Data Point – that “Morals” post I just put up?

Here?  Yeah, this kinda proves it, yes? Emphasis mine, reformatted: Student funding appeared to play a significant part in students’ responses, with 55 per cent of participants indicating that a drop or cessation of their student funding would make it more likely for them to enter into a sugar baby arrangement. Overall, most participants said they … Read more

Why Did Kate D’Adamo Try to Gag New Hampshire’s Human Trafficking Task Force?

Kate D’Adamo was picked to lead the New Hampshire Human Trafficking Collaborative Task Force. But as noted here, D’Adamo is a national advocate for legalizing prostitution, and the two are intimately connected. Decriminalizing pimping and the sex trade would tie the hands of investigators. The buyers and the sellers would be able to continue their devastating … Read more