UN United Nations Logo

Night Cap: The UN is Coming for Your Guns

Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s famous words, “The line between good and evil runs through the human heart,” should haunt the minds of leftwing American voters; citizens proud of their hatred for our Second Amendment.

Tom Day Gunstock photo

Gunstock- The Home of No Financial Controls?

Friday’s mail brought an anonymous missive following regarding the apparent misuse of public funds by outgoing Gunstock General Manager Tom Day, who, it appears, used the Gunstock postage meter for postage to mail some type of personal payment from him to the City of Portland, Maine.

Firearm handgun

Left Hates Guns As Gun Ownership Soars

The Left has created its own conundrum. They hate gun violence and ownership, but the Democrat policies have resulted in a spike in legal gun ownership, including first-time gun owners.

Grab Your Guns Grisham Isn’t Letting Go

You’ll have heard by now that the Governor of New Mexico did what we all said they would. She declared guns a public health threat (I believe she used the word ’emergency’) and suspended open and concealed carry laws (on public property) in Bernalillo County, with exceptions.

Sorry Joe, Guns are Not the Leading Cause of Death among Children

One of the pillars of the Democrat party is ending the lives of children: abortion, mutilation, and pharmacological transitions, which lead to more suicides. I don’t think Democrats like kids unless, by that, you mean standing on their bodies or their graves to accumulate campaign wealth and political power.

Gov Gavin Newsom Looking down on you

Guns: Bad news, good news, better news

California’s governor has proposed amending the federal constitution to raise the federal minimum age to buy a firearm to 21 from 18; mandate universal background checks; institute a ‘reasonable’ waiting period for all gun purchases; and ban assault rifles nationally; while ‘leaving the Second Amendment unchanged.’  That’s the bad news. The good news is that … Read more

Biofire Smart gun

Will the Secret Service Use ‘Smart Guns’?

Biofire has just announced its new ‘smart gun.’ It’s approximately the size of a toaster, but I’m sure that can be reduced over time. It has to be stored in a ‘smart dock’, which has to be plugged in.  So, not really designed to be carried away from home.

Whitmer Cortez and Newsom

Coming For Your Guns…and Prayers

We heard from three of the Democrat’s finest voices this week. No, Joe Biden is not one of them because his comments on Thursday continued to show how flawed his thinking is. I shouldn’t say flawed because that work implies wrong.

NH State House - Pic by SteveM

NH Dems Try To Ban Guns at the State House

The New Hampshire House Republican majority is razor thin, so you might expect NH Dems to peel off a few wins on crucial votes. Wednesday, they had their first opportunity as the chamber voted on rules changes, but it wasn’t their best day.

castro gun meme

I Told You Vermont Was Coming for Your Guns …

I’m not proud to say this, but I’ve had a front-row seat to the decline and fall of a once-great state. Vermont, the home of Calvin Coolidge – my favorite president – has fallen on hard times. Rights are no longer natural but given and taken by men with partisan interests.