Lambert Dont Arrest Me Bony finger meme GraniteGrok

NH GOP Delegate / Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert Arrested and Charged with Simple Assault – Paperwork Part 1

Here, I reported that Doug Lambert had been arrested and charged with simple assault stemming from his activity at the October meeting of the Belknap County Republican Party. At the November meeting, based on testimony and a truthful video created from 3 camera angles (provided by GraniteGrok), he was stripped of his General Membership. There … Read more

Doug Lambert stars in the Political High Wire Act Dumpster Fire FI

November BCRC: General Members Only Meeting – Charges against Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert (Misogynist Behavior)

In addition to charges brought against Gregg Hough by the Belknap County Republican Committee’s Executive Committee for “behavior unbecoming” (attempting to disrupt the October meeting by two now named men trying to get the Editor of the Weirs Times to cancel his invitation to be the keynote speaker to the BCRC at the last possible … Read more

Gary Kiedaisch - Gunstock Area Commission

Gunstock – And This Is What Happened to Former Commissioner Peter Ness and Continuing with Dr. Strang

To paraphrase/plagiarize (see image below): Gary Kiedaisch/Brian Beihl, Power Mongers:  “It is not enough to simply beat Ness and Strang.  They must be destroyed thoroughly.  Their kind must not rise again.” What was it that the former Gunstock Area Commissioners’  team feared so much about them both? …They were/are the existential threat. When your business involves … Read more

Doug Lambert GraniteGrok photo

So, Will Gunstock Area Commissioners Doug Lambert and Jade Wood Either Cancel or Severely Compromise the Financial/Legal Audits That Are in Process?

Especially now that they were successful in forcing former GAC Chair Peter Ness to resign (he could no longer take the political bullying they were heaping on him) who started the Audit Committee because of rumors of financial malfeasance?  And that they are STILL trying to get Commissioner Dr. David Strang to resign (who headed … Read more