One of the pillars of the Democrat party is ending the lives of children: abortion, mutilation, and pharmacological transitions, which lead to more suicides. I don’t think Democrats like kids unless, by that, you mean standing on their bodies or their graves to accumulate campaign wealth and political power.
They love that—case in point.
A popular topic among disarmament Dems is gun deaths. Using flawed CDC data, they claim things like,
Guns are the leading killer of children in America, and the numbers are rising.
What has our nation come to when children cannot attend a birthday party without fear? When parents have to worry every time their kids walk out the door to school, the movie theater, or to the park?
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 17, 2023
Children can attend most events without fear unless you happen to be there, Joe – or your son Hunter ‘What Gun Law’ Biden, but let’s not derail the current train of thought.
[T]he CDC figures used by Biden count 18 and 19-year-olds–i.e., people of voting age–as children. When the CDC figures are adjusted to count only ages 0-17 it is immediately evident that motor vehicle deaths surpass gun deaths.
And Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott used a recent Real Clear Politics column to draw attention to the fact that children age 0-17 also die more frequently from accidental suffocation than from accidental gun deaths.
Lott, who points out the problem that 17-year-olds pose via their prime age for gang affiliation, noted, “Even if we are counting 17-year-old gang members as ‘children,’ the White House’s claim is incorrect. In 2019 and 2020, more minors died from suffocation.”
If you are old enough to vote, you’re not a kid; ask Brattleboro, Vermont, where those ages can vote legally as soon as this year. We may also want to make adjustments for other adulting-like activities like getting the aforementioned abortions (age 13), legal surgical or pharmacological mutilation, and emancipation is a thing in most states by the age of 16.
Childhood is a diminishing feature in progressive America, partly thanks to gangs recruiting kids in cities controlled by Democrats up to their eyeballs in progressive anti-gun laws.
We don’t have a gun violence problem; we have a Democrat problem. Maybe the CDC should look into that public health menace.