Sorry Joe, Guns are Not the Leading Cause of Death among Children

Steve MacDonald

One of the pillars of the Democrat party is ending the lives of children: abortion, mutilation, and pharmacological transitions, which lead to more suicides. I don’t think Democrats like kids unless, by that, you mean standing on their bodies or their graves to accumulate campaign wealth and political power.

They love that—case in point.

A popular topic among disarmament Dems is gun deaths. Using flawed CDC data, they claim things like,



Children can attend most events without fear unless you happen to be there, Joe – or your son Hunter ‘What Gun Law’ Biden, but let’s not derail the current train of thought.


[T]he CDC figures used by Biden count 18 and 19-year-olds–i.e., people of voting age–as children. When the CDC figures are adjusted to count only ages 0-17 it is immediately evident that motor vehicle deaths surpass gun deaths.

And Crime Prevention Research Center’s John Lott used a recent Real Clear Politics column to draw attention to the fact that children age 0-17 also die more frequently from accidental suffocation than from accidental gun deaths.

Lott, who points out the problem that 17-year-olds pose via their prime age for gang affiliation, noted, “Even if we are counting 17-year-old gang members as ‘children,’ the White House’s claim is incorrect. In 2019 and 2020, more minors died from suffocation.”


If you are old enough to vote, you’re not a kid; ask Brattleboro, Vermont, where those ages can vote legally as soon as this year. We may also want to make adjustments for other adulting-like activities like getting the aforementioned abortions (age 13), legal surgical or pharmacological mutilation, and emancipation is a thing in most states by the age of 16.

Childhood is a diminishing feature in progressive America, partly thanks to gangs recruiting kids in cities controlled by Democrats up to their eyeballs in progressive anti-gun laws.




We don’t have a gun violence problem; we have a Democrat problem. Maybe the CDC should look into that public health menace.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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