Dover school kids need taxpayer porn

Nine Years of Decline and Perversion in Dover

Does creepy Carolyn Mebert, Ward 3, School Board Chair, love porn? Since she’s been on the school board, over 110 sexually explicit books that were not here before, have been added to school libraries.

beetles sex original Photo by Romi Yusardi on Unsplash

As Porn Piles Up In School Libraries, Parents are None the Wiser.

Back in the mid-70s there was an infamous XXX cult classic movie released called Debbie Does Dallas. It was hard, no pun intended, not to miss the billboard in front of the Newington NH XXX drive-in on rt 16. This movie was playing there for a long time. And made many returns.

Library Card Catalog Goshen College Mennonite Church no known copyright restrictions Flickr

So, About Those Porno Books in Public School Libraries…

As loyal readers know, I have been sending out Right To Know demands to various School Districts around the State for the card catalog for their Schools’ libraries. I considered this small effort to be a “test case” to see how the targeted districts would respond.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok! Also, I strongly urge – if you can – that you support the Grok!

How the Shutdown Affected Student Performance: Conclusion (part 8 of 8)

This is the final article in the How the Shutdown Affected Student Performance series. This series was inspired by two recent statements made by Croydon Village School Principal Nicole Lackie to the Croydon School Board. First, she claimed the pandemic shutdowns caused poor student performance. Then, she stated that teachers don’t really know how to … Read more

Dover school kids need taxpayer porn

Just When You Think It Can’t Get Worse, It Does

I had to check three times, as I didn’t believe the scores could go any lower. Drumroll, please. I guess a new 9 million dollar school and 7 or 8 (lost count) tax cap overrides in ten years for the school budget does not improve education.

New Hampshire AG Formella – Why Won’t You Enforce The Obscenity Laws?

Everyone in your office should be ashamed of themselves for not taking the porn in our schools and public libraries’ children’s section seriously! Mr. Formella, you need to pay attention to your constituents and step up and follow/uphold the laws on child porn now before more children are ruined.

Public Perception Of Cops Today

“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” —Aldous Huxley Public perception of the police is constantly challenged. Being a police officer has never been a tougher profession. The Bureau of Justice Statistics is replete with data on police officer divorce, alcoholism and other social problems. … Read more