So, About Those Porno Books in Public School Libraries…

by Skip

As loyal readers know, I have been sending out Right To Know demands to various School Districts around the State for the card catalog for their Schools’ libraries. I considered this small effort to be a “test case” to see how the targeted districts would respond.

What I found was there are three general categories of responses:

  • Those that said, “sure, we’ll get that to you in a day or so.” Translation: reasonable and responsive.
  • Those that started to push back but were “persuaded” to fork it over. Translation: see SAU 3, Berlin
  • The recalcitrant ones that are pushing shoving back

I had been working “full steam ahead” on this project, but then the elections came up as well as the “Douglas Lambert Incident” that took my eye off the ball. But the elections are over, Lambert seems to be using the court system to keep his victim from getting her Restraining/Stalking Order, and I am slowly starting to catch up.

So I have the card catalogs from the following Districts – in alphabetical order:

  • Berlin (SAU 3)
  • Gilford (SAU 73)
  • Hanover (SAU 70)
  • Laconia (SAU 30)
  • Oyster River (SAU 5)

And Julie delivered the Dover School District (SAU 141) porno books (in addition to those in the Dover Public Library) aimed at underaged children as well.

Sidenote: I dryly note their home page Mission Statement:  Working collaboratively to empower all learners to become dynamic global citizens.

How about AMERICAN citizens for a change? I remember catching one of the Laconia schools, Woodland Heights, having a poster for exactly that a few years ago. Posted it here. Next time it was gone. But I digress.

So just using a short list of “available porno titles” (will post that up later), here’s my current list of what each District has in its Public School Libraries to excite and titillate our young “learners” (as the educrats now call students):

NH Public School District Library Card Catalog abridged porno books

There will be updates to this list as more RTKs get sent AND honored.  And that will happen as our lawyers are now going to “reach out” to the other Districts that have, to put it nicely,” sitting on their hands trying to wait me out.



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