NH Mayor: No “Free Speech” On His Flagpole!

Democrat Mayor Jim Donchess of Nashua has changed the city’s policy regarding the flagpoles in front of city hall. Where they were once willing to allow the public to petition to fly a flag, that policy is no longer. The city will fly the flags it likes, and that’s the end of it. We predicted … Read more

Nashua City Hall

Tightening the Reins on Free Speech and Public Input

At the Board Of Aldermen meeting last week, it appears that the Board pushed through two ordinances that are grossly unjust to the Nashua taxpayers. It is perfectly fine for the Board of Aldermen and other officials to go after a Nashua resident, but GOD forbid those residents to fight back.

Save Women's Sports flag

If Teaching Critical Race Theory Is Protected Speech Then So Is Flying the Save Women’s Sports Flag

Last fall, we got permission to fly the Save Women’s Sports flag for a week on the Citizen Flag Pole in Nashua City Hall Plaza. We raised it on a Saturday, and early Sunday morning Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess sent two city employees to take it down.

Save Women's Sports flag

Nashua Mayor Donchess, Raise that Flag Back Up!

  Nashua has taken a dark turn, and the enemies of free speech and diversity of thought, with the help of Nashua Mayor Donchess, are doing a victory dance on our Constitution. The Flag On Saturday, October 10, 2020, defenders of women’s rights, raised a flag at City Hall stating a simple Message: “Save Women’s … Read more

US Constitution shredded

No Free Speech: Head of Nashua Young Dems Wants an Entire Radio Station Canceled

On July 11, Black Lives Matters Nashua shared a post that was critical of Diana Ploss, the host of a show on Nashua radio station WSMN. Diana Ploss made a video of herself confronting some landscape workers who were speaking Spanish, accusing them of being illegal.

Nashua Sued in Federal Court for Viewpoint Discrimination

Regular readers will know that the Donchess regime in Nashua is very selective about the flags it allows on the citizen’s pole—almost, dare I say, partisan in its rejection. Most recently, Stephen and Beth Scaer (who both write for GraniteGrok) asked the city to fly the de-trans flag. It was rejected, and an appeal to … Read more

Citizen Wanted to Commemorate The Battle of Bunker Hill – The City Raised a Pride Flag Instead

Today is the 249th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. It is a good day to raise a flag suited to the anniversary. One local resident and a contributor to these pages applied to have her city fly the Pine Tree Flag on this date, but it both refused the application and an appeal. … Read more

Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole.

Most readers are already familiar with a flag pole outside Nashua City Hall, the one being referred to in this link. Over the years, it has been called various names. For those not up to speed on Nashua matters, I will offer the latest Grok piece and the one from the day before.

Nashua Must Like Getting Sued

Our own illustrious Beth Scaer is pushing the buttons and pulling the triggers of the snowflakes cluttering up Nashua City Hall. She has requested that they fly another flag, and they’ve returned with a hard no.

“God-Fearing Catholic” Nashua Alderman Says Fly Satanic Temple Flag With Save Women’s Sports Flag

At the May 10 meeting of the Nashua Board of Aldermen, after I spoke during the public comment period about my Save Women’s Sports flag being taken down from the Citizen Flag Pole by the order of Mayor Jim Donchess in October 2020, Alderman-at-Large Melbourne Moran responded by saying:

Save Women's Sports flag

City of Nashua Admits They Were Wrong to Take Down My Save Women’s Sports Flag

My husband and I raised the Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on Nashua City Hall Plaza on Saturday, October 10, 2020 with permission from the City of Nashua. It was supposed to stay up until Friday, October 16.

Gilford School District SAU73

So, Is Current Gilford School Board Chair Gretchen Gandini Covertly Endorsing Nicole Hogan and Jessica Jacques for the Open Seats?

Tuesday, March 8th, is Voting Day for most SB2 Towns.  The designation of SB2 was the bill that allowed towns to migrate from the traditional Town Meeting style of governance that NH is famous for by splitting the “Deliberations” and then voting by secret ballot (Town meetings do both at the same time with everyone … Read more

save womens sports flag on citizen flag pole

Nashua Removes “Save Women’s Sports” Flag, Claims Neutrality

My husband and friends and I raised the Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on Nashua City Hall Plaza on Saturday, October 10, at 10 am, with permission from the City of Nashua. It was supposed to stay up until Friday, October 16.