At the Board Of Aldermen meeting last week, it appears that the Board pushed through two ordinances that are grossly unjust to the Nashua taxpayers. It is perfectly fine for the Board of Aldermen and other officials to go after a Nashua resident, but GOD forbid those residents to fight back.
This Board and other officials stated in a public meeting that a resident of Nashua represented herself as an employee of the City, and that was a criminal act, and they were turning it over to the Police. However, this was a blatant lie, and city leadership knew it and still stated it anyway. To date, not one official has ever apologized.
One of the ordinances will add language that states that excessive repetition and irrelevant remarks are discouraged. However, will that rule be applied to the board members like Patricia Klee and Tom Lopez, who love to hear themselves talk or cheer for Mayor Jim Donchess? What about Attorney Steve Bolton’s public meltdowns? I am waiting for Bolton to take off his shoe and pound it on the desk. So much for professionalism.
Another part of the ordinance is the presiding officer has the authority to terminate the remarks and any speaker when such remarks do not adhere to this ordinance. This is the same person who shut it down in the middle of a zoom meeting because she did not want to hear from residents but never seemed to enforce the Code of Conduct to the Board Members.
The Mayor personally requested another change only to allow citizens to address issues covered on the agenda. The bottom line is that if a resident wants to talk about something that is not on the agenda, go pound sand because this Board does not want to hear it.
Does any other resident remember when King O’Brien said he would get a committee of residents and businesses together to discuss the barriers? Instead, O’Brien and Economic Development Director Cummings ran illegal meetings on the downtown barrier matter and broke the law when complying with public record requests.
Residents have seen this Board be disrespectful to the Nashua residents. This Board does not want to hear from anyone that disagrees with them; like-minded people are always welcome. I expect the next ordinance will be that residents will be required to address board members as “their Holiness,” and before speaking, citizens will be required to kiss the Mayor’s ring.
Nashua is primarily a single-party system representing the elected government. It is not working for the City’s greater good. Nashua residents need to vote and bring balanced representation to our City government. State seats are up for election in November. Please vote to bring balance to what is now a nearly 100% Democratic majority.