Term Limits Are Needed To Save This Country


The last of the Baby Boom generation–the largest generation in American history–will have reached retirement age for maximum Social Security benefits as of the end of 2031.  With the combination of tens of millions of Americans no longer paying in, doubling in medical and educational costs every 10-11 years, the National Debt (already nearly $110,000 for each American) is expected to skyrocket to more than twice that amount by 2050.  Of course, with $3-4 trillion annual budget deficits, interest rates, inflation, and hidden taxes will gradually wipe out the middle class and the American Dream itself.  Yet the same Democrat-RINO’s (the “Uni Party”) keeps recklessly spending $465,000 on a casino for pigeons, $565,000 on a study to train lions to walk on a treadmill, $2 million to put an outhouse up on a mountain that can only be reached by helicopter, and $42.5 billion on the Broadband Boondoggle that provided service to no one, etc.

We want to thank Max Abramson for this Contribution. Submit yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Term Limits for Congress (aka, the “Logans Run Act”) would remove those entrenched, career politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Charles Grassley, and even Maxine Waters, all of whom have been entrenched with K Street lobbyists, Big Pharma, the trial lawyers, and big government interest groups for over 35 years.  All of whom have name recognition, campaign treasure chests, free news media exposure, and franking privileges that–along with 360 of 525 members of Congress–keep them free from any accountability at the ballot box.  

For 20+ years, the NHGOP hasn’t put forward federal candidates who could make the case for voting a straight Republican ticket “from the bottom up, just like a rocket; if you want to send Nancy Pelosi into space, you’ve got to call all of your friends on your Contacts List and ask them to vote straight Republican November 5th and go straight up the ballot.” I’ve said this dozens of times to groups of Republican and conservative or libertarian leaning voters for over eight months.  I formally announced for Congress in CD1 against Pelosi-Pappas in December of last year and have traveled from Merrimack to Gilmanton, from Manchester back to my old legislative district of Hampton, Hampton Falls, and Seabrook.

With 90% of elected Republicans voting for Term Limits for Congress and more than 90% of Democrat politicians voting against Term Limits, we need to reach out to our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers and remind them of the need to vote out RINOs every September and Democrats every November if we’re to reduce spending, taxes, regulations, red tape, government overreach, and to secure our borders and restore our eroded Constitutional rights.

And we need federal candidates who will explain to voters on New Hampshire television and radio why it’s so critically important to get involved in their local Republican town committee and throw the “Democrats” out at all levels.

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