Cartoon hit with taxes

Night Cap: Democrats, Property Taxes, and Vermont

It would be best if you never trusted anyone who sees no limit to how much the government can spend, always increases budgets, and then claims they want to lower your property taxes. They are lying to you. They have to tax you more, but they don’t want it showing up as a bill in … Read more

Bugs Bunny Meme - You are the carbon they want to reduce

Vermont Stupid!

You’ve heard of Boston Strong. It was an inspiration in the weeks after the Boston Bombing but got tired after a few years from overuse. Well, I’m here to introduce you to something you’ll get tired of but can never escape. Vermont Stupid.

Vermont Principal’s Association Not Interested In Actual Diversity

The Vermont Principal’s Association handed Mid Vermont Christian School a school wide disqualification from all VPA sponsored events on Monday.  This decision was made by the board “unanimously” 15-0 after allowing their “stakeholders” to comment VPA assistant executive director Lauren Thomas told the Valley News. I reached out to the VPA directly yesterday to offer my … Read more