Live Free In New Hampshire or Die in Vermont

In what can only be a gift from the marketing gods, the State of Vermont is advancing legalized death tourism. As in, come kill yourself here. Right next to the Live Free or Die State.

Related: Vermont Passes Bill to Make The State a Sanctuary For Death and Dismemberment

We may need to retool our State Motto because while you can live free or die, the government has not sanctioned medically induced suicide aside from its continued promotion of the crap-shoot COVID-19 vaccines variants branded as boosters. Those can kill you. But no assisted suicide. So, we could go with Live Free in New Hampshire and Die in Vermont.

One of our readers wondered if or how the pushing-up daisies state might would the start of Dead Tourist Season, and I reminded her that it’s always dead tourist season in Vermont. Last year the state ensconced S74 into law, which permits death by zoom call. If the latest advance in sanctioned suicide becomes law, and we’ve no reasons to suspect otherwise, you won’t even have to go to Vermont to “die” there.

Talk about a failed attempt at tourism.


The Assisted Suicide Lobby has been fighting to allow this practice. Mailing lethal drugs access the country after a facetime with a “physician.”

Packed in plain paper like they say they do with sex toys or other conspicuous items you might not want the postal worker, delivery guy, or neighbors knowing about?

Anyway, for the record, Live Free or Die was about risking your life to protect something worth living for, which includes, in my mind, not giving the government regulator authority to regulate”legal” suicide. It’s a terrible idea destined for abuse as a political tool. Much neater than the way people close to the Clintons killed themselves (wink-wink).

The Machine just needs to decide that whatever’s going on that they don’t like is a sign of mental illness (refusing a vaccine, objecting to Democrat policies). The next thing you know, people are “committing compassion acts” that end their inconvenient lives all over the increasingly unfruited plains.

And Vermont can’t wait to get there from here.



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