Night Cap: Assisted Suicide Will Start Out Well-Meaning, Then Gradually Revert To its Eugenic Roots

There is ample evidence throughout history, much of it recent, that claiming compassion to justify government-sanctioned suicide is a trap. Yes, chronic pain is terrible, but not nearly so much as the power of a State that inevitably sees it as a way to solve problems it created or just “problems.”

I’ve been over this more times than I can count, but HB1283 is on the verge of becoming law in New Hampshire, and just like socialism, we will not “get it right this time.” Vermont, Hawaii, Canada, and The Netherlands are all proof that the system fails to protect people who are not likely to die in six months. Once passed, ideological descendants of the original Progressive Eugenicists who inspired Hitler will, in successive legislative sessions, remove safeguards, lower barriers, and soften restrictions.

The future of HB1283 is laid bare before us. Compassion will shift from those “near death” to those with chronic but tolerable illness, to the autistic, the homeless, the economically advantaged, and inevitably, people who ask. (but never imprisoned murderers; that would be inhumane).

You can agree or disagree on religious grounds, human rights grounds, equity, or whatever motivation moves you – but what you need to fear is State power to manage the general terms of human demise.

If you can come up with an example where it worked out well, I’d be interested in hearing about it, but even more recent adventures in Western Politics succumb to the impulse to use assisted suicide to relieve cultural, social, and economic burdens.

Assisted suicide legislation expands state power and its influence over therpaists and doctors and will inevitably be abused. If you doubt me, look at so-called conversion therapy restrictions in NH or what happened during COVID. We will not do it better. The safest course of action is to assist in the suicide of HB1283.

Besides, we don’t need it. Vermont has Vacation Suicide, as does Oregon. If you need to die that badly, they will be happy to help you.

The NH Senate is voting on it This week. Please reach out and politely ask them to vote no.

Blogified version of an email sent the entire NH State Senate

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