The anti-gun groupies didn’t take long to get their hands dirty. Just days after a murder-suicide in Burlington, they’ve done precisely what I said they would. They are coming to take away your rights.
This does not make me some guru, or expert, by the way. Anyone paying minimal attention to how the Left operates saw this coming. But since I did say it on these pages, I get to gloat a little bit.
From yesterday’s piece.
And not long from now, the rising crime they created will require that they deprive you of other rights until your state looks less like the quaint New England for which it was once known and more like every other city Dems have ruined.
Not long, as it turns out, is right away.
“Gun Sense Vermont definitely mourns the victims of this crime, but the way we honor these victims is by taking action and that’s what we need to do,” Casey said.
Gun Sense Vermont said they will be lobbying the legislature this coming year and are looking to see a ban on assault weapons, as well as longer waiting periods for firearms.
Vermont has been doing the liberal slide on guns for several years now. Once a bastion of 2A support, despite harboring more dirty hippies for more years than anyone would care to admit, those days of respect for that natural right are numbered. And now we have GUn Sense Vermont openly promoting bans on firearms.
That’s not what it says on their website, but here they are telling News 5 they want a weapons ban and more extended waiting periods. The latter of which, by the way, contradicts one of the four “bullet” points on their home page.
- Access to a gun makes it 5 times more likely that a male abuser will kill his female victim.
In reality, a woman trained to use a firearm that is allowed to own and carry it is rarely a victim.
But enough about that. Calling for bans and waiting periods is more slippery slope stuff that leads to more of the same, which promises a land of paradisical peace and prosperity like that achieved by Decades of Dems in Chicago.
Chicago has had a paltry 1,975 shootings in 2022 and 360 deaths. And the “stop the violence” crowd in the Windy City can proudly report that someone is murdered there every twelve minutes and forty-six seconds. And no, that’s not in any of the brochures.
As with everything that makes sense to Democrats, the result is almost always the opposite.
Vermont will not be any different.