autumn tree leaves

Global Warming Continues to Produce Rising Tide of Tourism in NH

Ever since New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen predicted that Global Warming (they still called it that back then) would be the demise of New Hampshire’s tourism industry it has done exactly the opposite. Year after year the people who pay attention to such things have predicted record numbers. From leaf-peeping to beach-hopping, to winter-sports, to … Read more

NH State Senate Passes Agrotourism Reform Bill SB412

The first thing you need to know about SB412 (and why you should praise its passage in the state Senate) is that the mopes in Henniker don’t like it. And here’s why. No municipality shall adopt an ordinance, bylaw, definition, or policy regarding agritourism activities that conflict with the definition of agritourism in RSA 21:34-a. … Read more

They Said if We Did Nothing About Global Warming it Would Affect NH Tourism and They Were Right (Again!)

Global Warming Continues to be good for Tourism in New Hampshire. New Hampshire tourism officials are forecasting all-time highs for visitors and spending this fall season, with a good chunk of the travel occurring over Columbus Day Weekend. The New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism is expecting 9.8 million visitors to spend $1.5 billion … Read more

They Said if We Did Nothing About Global Warming it Would Affect NH Tourism and They Were Right

If you Google Global Warming, New Hampshire, and Tourism you’ll be “rewarded” with the history of Climate Cultist scaremongering on the subject. From snowless winters to impacted fall foliage, drought to deluge. There is no limit to the problems that inaction on “climate change” will cause the tiny state or the damage predicted for the local economy. … Read more

Tourism Up – I Blame Global Warming

From DoubleYouEmYouArr MANCHESTER, N.H. —Tourism officials in New Hampshire said the long holiday weekend may have been the busiest Labor Day weekend ever in the state. An estimated 620,000 visitors passed through the Granite State over the three-day weekend. That was a 5 percent increase over 2015. Record whatever is always caused by Global Warming. Everyone … Read more

Winter Tourism Post Belated Picture

Alternate title: “Jeanne Shaheen said that if I voted for John Sununu NH’s Ski Seasons might get shorter…and she was right.” This post needed this picture, I just didn’t have time this morning before GrokTALK! 

Is Increased ‘Tobacco Tourism’ on the New Hampshire Horizon?

New Hampshire Democrats, in their race to the bottom with other New England States, like to raise taxes here–on items like tobacco–so they can grow government but still claim to have a slightly lower tax than those other Democrat run cesspools. This, of course, does not work. Three or four years ago, after NH Democrats … Read more

Another Tourism Stake Through Their Global Warming Heart

As a quick followup to the Global Warming antics of Senator Jeanne Shaheen that I remarked on here, it looks like another sacred scaremongering cow in her misinformation crusade continues to lay down to die.  New Hampshire snow sports tourism is riding a ten year high… UL Alpine ski areas recorded a total of 2,276,370 … Read more

A Modest Proposal for the Homeless Hotel Debacle

It seems like we are enduring a constant kerfuffle over whether or not to extend the now-ended federally funded COVID-emergency “hotels for homeless” program with state tax dollars. Lots of them. Twenty million here, thirty million there….


Help Stop State-Sanctioned Suicide

Quick reminder that tomorrow (Wed @ 10am) is the Senate Committee hearing for HB1283, a bill to legalize assisted suicide. It will be in NH’s Legislative Office Building, room 103 (note room change from earlier).