UPDATE: I mentioned DJ Bettencourt at the end of this post – he had helped to fix this problem before, saw this post, and emailed back (emphasis mine):
—— Original Message ——
From: “D.J. Bettencourt”
To: Skip@granitegrok.com
Sent: 8/17/2021 9:38:18 PM
Subject: Live free or Die
Hi Skip,
Hope you are well. I read your story. I was able to get this fixed the last time, let me see what I can find out. To be clear, I love our state’s motto and will always defend it.
On Aug 17, 2021, at 9:40 PM, Skip <Skip@granitegrok.com> wrote:
You did fix it – which is why I mentioned you. I’ll update the post stating you’re on the hunt.
Note: I have yet to hear back from those that are responsible for handling RSA 91:A demands. In this case, who is screwing around with our State Motto. So Day One has pass of Five allowed by Law. Let’s see how long it is before I get an official response to it.
First published: 8/17/21 12:20pm
Updated: 8/18 9:42
I just left a message for the NH Bureau of Tourism. Nice to see that they have decided to create a new logo for the State of NH: Live Free.
Who do they think their target audience is – the cohort that is completely dependent on The State and truly expects their lives to be completely free for them? Surely, our bureaucrats wouldn’t be this craven, would they? So they have a contact form and I used it for this:
We have to go through this nonsense again??? We caught you doing this a while ago – and you want to do this AGAIN?
Our NH Logo is “Live Free or Die” – who signed off on shortening it at your bureau?
Yes, a few years, a loyal reader caught them doing this on their marketing and let us know. We contacted Gov. Sununu’s office and it got changed. Let’s see if, after the pounding we’ve given him for going Left on social issues and during the Pandemic if Chris Sununu will stand up for our State motto and our State’s heritage. And it’s not like this page hasn’t been looked at for a while:
Related: The State Board of Tourism Takes “Or Die” Out of New Hampshire’s Live Free or Die Motto
© 2021 NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs, Division of Travel and Tourism Development, 100 North Main Street, Suite 100, Concord, NH, 03301
So, let’s find out, shall we?
So, I submitted this RSA 91:A demand to his office to find out the paper trail to find out who really signed off on this travesty!
—— Original Message ——From: “Skip” <Skip@granitegrok.com>Sent: 8/16/2021 9:31:40 PMSubject: So, the NH Travel and Tourism has shortened our State Menu – AGAIN???
Governor Chris Sununu,Is your office in agreement with your Bureau of Travel and Tourism who has seemingly sided with your political opposition, the Democrats and Chris Pappas, in that our logo must changed from “Live Free or Die” to just “Live Free“?So, I sent the following using their Contact form:We have to go through this nonsense again??? We caught you doing this a while ago – and you want to do this AGAIN?
Our NH Logo is “Live Free or Die” – who signed off on shortening it at your bureau?
Consider this a formal RSA 91:A demand. Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the following governmental records:
- all documents and communications pertaining to the use of “Live Free” on the NH Travel and Tourism site (see above image, visitnh.gov) instead of the full State Motto.
Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.
Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at Skip@GraniteGrok.com. If the volume is turns out to be substantial, I’ll be happy to supply a backup drive sufficient to hold all of your responsive records.
Thank you, Chris, for your lawful attention in this matter.
CC: Director of Travel and Tourism, Director of Economic Development-Skip