Money cash greed original Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Libs Crying Over Free Money

Imagine you run a daycare. It’s big business, and the state gives you a big bucket of money for each kid you watch. You don’t even watch the kid as much as you should, and sometimes they get exposed to things they shouldn’t, but you still get paid to “watch” them.

TP Roll Money

On the Topic of “Free Money” – A Refresher Course

Given the “complexion” of our incoming New Hampshire legislature, we should take a moment to revisit a phrase you’ll be hearing a lot more around the Granite State.  “Free money.” ‘Free money’ is taxes for which (the individual using the term) did not have to “vote” to collect them.  Someone else, further away and more difficult … Read more

About that “Free Money” From Washington…

You’ve heard it time and again. Some state or local official promotes a project or a legisaltive initiative because there’s a federal grant available. These sorts of  “thinkers” will often implement long-term programs at great expense based on promises of “free money.” The Federal government is paying X percent of costs for Y number of years. How … Read more

TANSTAAFL – and Oregon is starting to learn that “free money” ain’t free

SHOT: Oregon lawmakers consider ending Medicaid expansion to shore up budget. Democratic lawmakers in Oregon are considering ending the state’s Medicaid expansion in an effort to address a $1.6 billion budget shortfall. The state’s Ways and Means committee, which includes both senators and representatives, suggested cutting Medicaid expansion in an effort to curb Oregon’s $1.6 billion budget … Read more

“Free money” – a great example of why we’re $19 Trillion in the hole

“Free money!  Free money!“; all the politicians and spenders love “Free money” when they deceive themselves and lie to us that “it won’t cost you a penny”!  Now Concord NH is doing it again.  Loudon Road is the main commercial drag in town and it is time to do a re-paving.  And once again, “the … Read more

HB 1607 – Public Schools Could See Buckets of Free Money

Skip just posted a nice letter from the Londonderry Superintendent of schools in which the Super appears to lobby the state Senate in opposition to HB1607.  This bill establishes an education tax credit for businesses or groups that set up scholarship programs to help offset the costs of non-public school tuition.  This could allow more … Read more

He who has the Gold makes the rules (or, the bribe / lure of free money)

Part 1: The "lure" of free money – all the politicians jump for it, thinking that they can "give" something to someone and it doesn’t cost local taxpayers anything.  During yesterday’s show, we got this from Dan (using Using the 16th amendment the federal government takes our money, then turns around and gives a … Read more

Not to be used for bribing politicians money

Is Melanie Pushing for Free ALA Money? You Tell Me.

By now, anyone who’s not politically asleep at the wheel ought to know that the American Library Association (ALA) is no friend of any community of decent people.  Please talk to people like Beth Scaer and her husband or Rep Arlene Quaratiello or Cindy Bennett if you want to learn more.

Absence of government? Not while there’s “free” money to be had!

This is my weekly column for the Laconia Daily Sun published in today’s paper (pdf here, pg.4). More details regarding the issues mentioned involving the JAG grant can be found here, here here here here here and here. "All politics" is local. Exercising the First by Doug LambertFeeding the Beast As I dig deeper and deeper … Read more