Why NH Democrats Didn’t Jump at 46 Million in Federal Funds (Free Money!)

Democrats love other people’s money. Nothing they imagine for the government (or their role in it) is possible without that. So, why would they step back from an opportunity at 46 million (free dollars!) in Federal Funds? Tax money they didn’t have to vote to steal. 

First, we know it’s not free money. But if you search free money on this website, you’ll discover that this is what Democrats (and a few too many Republicans) call federal dollars.

Free. Money.

Today we learn that the Democrats had a shot at another 46 million of those. But, instead of leaping at the opportunity to take the cash, strings and all, as is their practice, they blinked.

“Tabling $46 million in federal funds to provide an adequate education for New Hampshire children is short-sighted and disappointing,” said Senator James Gray (R-Rochester). “There are children in Rochester and across the state who would benefit from an increase in funding for new educational opportunities.”

The Joint legislative fiscal committee, which is majority Democrat when Dems have the majority, tabled the matter. And the reasons are obvious. They can’t just say no, but if they take the cash, it has to be spent on charter schools. Charter schools, while not free-market, privately-owned, education options, are a direct competitor to the Democrat’s union-run public school monopoly.

Charter Schools create competition. They can provide better results at less cost to taxpayers. So, the new why should be, “why not take the money and create abundant learning opportunities for kids and competition to drive affordable educational excellence?”

Because that’s not what public education is all about to the left.

They’ll never admit that so, instead, you’ll get some fiscal song and dance. Costs, spending, adequacy. Don’t buy it. All they do is complain about money for education. When the feds drop a pile on them they balk?

Because it’s not the education, they want to fund. The sort that enriches their monopoly and the unions that launder it back into their campaigns.

Press Release

The New Hampshire Senate


Gray supports NH acceptance of $46 million federal grant, disappointed in fiscal committee decision
CONCORD, NH – Today, the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee tabled an item along party lines that would have provided $46 million in federal funds for public charter schools. Senator James Gray (R-Rochester) issued the following statement:

“Tabling $46 million in federal funds to provide an adequate education for New Hampshire children is short-sighted and disappointing,” said Senator James Gray (R-Rochester). “There are children in Rochester and across the state who would benefit from an increase in funding for new educational opportunities. Commissioner Edelblut satisfactorily answered all the questions how this will help Granite State children, but it is clear my democratic colleagues’ blind distaste for alternative education programs got the best of them.”

“I hope in the future we can work in a bipartisan manner for all the children of New Hampshire and provide them with the best education possible,” Gray added.

Bobby Collins
(603) 271-7587

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