Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole.

Most readers are already familiar with a flag pole outside Nashua City Hall, the one being referred to in this link. Over the years, it has been called various names. For those not up to speed on Nashua matters, I will offer the latest Grok piece and the one from the day before.

NH Mayor: No “Free Speech” On His Flagpole!

Democrat Mayor Jim Donchess of Nashua has changed the city’s policy regarding the flagpoles in front of city hall. Where they were once willing to allow the public to petition to fly a flag, that policy is no longer. The city will fly the flags it likes, and that’s the end of it. We predicted … Read more

NH State Flag Mug

Will NH Fly The Flag Full Staff on Inauguration Day?

There are so many things demanding our attention that lots of things never attract at all or, just as likely, more current distractions have elbowed past knowledge out of the way, with a few of them falling off our memory radar altogether. This might be one of them. Biden ordered all flags flown at half-staff … Read more

Pine Tree Flag “Protest”- Nashua City Hall: Pics and Video

To get you up to speed, Beth Scaer applied to fly the Pine Tree Flag on the Citizens Pole in front of the Nashua City Hall. Her petition was denied, as was her appeal to the mayor. Yesterday, some very peaceful protesters gathered with a bunch of Pine Tree Flags and did a bit of … Read more

Mayor Refuses to Fly “Pro-Trans” Flag in Front of City Hall

I think we’ve been going about this all wrong. People “on our side” keep asking to fly flags in front of city hall and getting rejected, which hints at unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination. The City just rejected a revolutionary-era flag.

Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration

The most destructive natural disasters are never 100 percent natural. Human choices, land use, and government policies play a big role in how harmful hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, flash floods, and wildfires are to the affected communities.

“God-Fearing Catholic” Nashua Alderman Says Fly Satanic Temple Flag With Save Women’s Sports Flag

At the May 10 meeting of the Nashua Board of Aldermen, after I spoke during the public comment period about my Save Women’s Sports flag being taken down from the Citizen Flag Pole by the order of Mayor Jim Donchess in October 2020, Alderman-at-Large Melbourne Moran responded by saying:

Save Women's Sports flag

City of Nashua Admits They Were Wrong to Take Down My Save Women’s Sports Flag

My husband and I raised the Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on Nashua City Hall Plaza on Saturday, October 10, 2020 with permission from the City of Nashua. It was supposed to stay up until Friday, October 16.

save womens sports flag on citizen flag pole

Will the US Supreme Court Force Nashua to Fly the Save Women’s Sports Flag?

My husband and I raised the Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on Nashua City Hall Plaza on Saturday, October 10, 2020 with permission from the City of Nashua. It was supposed to stay up until Friday, October 16.

US Supreme Court Building Wash DC

Supreme Court Decides to Hear Camp Constitution’s Christian Flag Lawsuit

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court granted Liberty Counsel’s cert petition and will hear the case regarding the censorship of the Christian flag in Boston. The High Court will likely hear oral arguments early next year, with a decision expected by June 2022.

Camp Constituion

Camp Constitution’s Christian Flag Lawsuit Could Be Heading to the US Supreme Court

Many of you know Hal Shurtleff and Camp Constitution. It’s a summer camp that celebrates the founding of America. No, not that made-up Marxist/Racist crap the left is shoveling.

Iranian Man sets himself on fire burning Israeli flag

Iranian Man Burning a Flag at Death-to-Israel-Event Sets Himself on Fire

Quds Day or Jerusalem day is supposed to show solidarity for the Palestinian struggle. This year a Quds Day “celebration” heats up when the (I assume) traditional burning of the Israeli Flag goes sideways. An Iranian man unintentionally sets himself on fire.

Save Women's Sports flag

If Teaching Critical Race Theory Is Protected Speech Then So Is Flying the Save Women’s Sports Flag

Last fall, we got permission to fly the Save Women’s Sports flag for a week on the Citizen Flag Pole in Nashua City Hall Plaza. We raised it on a Saturday, and early Sunday morning Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess sent two city employees to take it down.

Raising Save Women's Sports flag in Nashua

Jan Schmidt: Save Women’s Sports Flag is a “Hate Flag”

On the same day we flew our Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole in Nashua City Hall plaza, Alderman Jan Schmidt made a public post attacking it on her personal Facebook page.

Save Women's Sports flag

Nashua Mayor Donchess, Raise that Flag Back Up!

  Nashua has taken a dark turn, and the enemies of free speech and diversity of thought, with the help of Nashua Mayor Donchess, are doing a victory dance on our Constitution. The Flag On Saturday, October 10, 2020, defenders of women’s rights, raised a flag at City Hall stating a simple Message: “Save Women’s … Read more

save womens sports flag on citizen flag pole

Nashua Removes “Save Women’s Sports” Flag, Claims Neutrality

My husband and friends and I raised the Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on Nashua City Hall Plaza on Saturday, October 10, at 10 am, with permission from the City of Nashua. It was supposed to stay up until Friday, October 16.

Trump Flag Flap

Homeowner Faces Hundreds in Fines for Flying a Trump Flag on Her Property

A woman in Arizona is facing stiff fines for violating a local ordinance. The rule prohibits flying her Trump Flag except for certain months before or just after elections. Dumb ordinance. Also unconstitutional.

Another example of Western culture committing suicide: the Flag of St George is unPC – in ENGLAND???

The national flag of England is not the Union Jack but the Flag of St. George (see, left).  In one town in England, the town council has declared that its own national flag is too offensive to fly over the town (emphasis mine, some reformatting): The flag of St George will not be flying over … Read more

Meet the New Press Podcast featuring John Stephen, facts about the oil industry, and the last word on the Wolfeboro flag flap…

The MTNP Podcast page is brought to you by: .                                                                               Meet The New Press Radio at the speed of the Blogosphere! WEMJ 1490 Saturdays 9am-11am (EDT) Streaming Live! To play (or "stream") a clip now, just click on it.  To download it to your PC, right click on it and tell the process where to … Read more

Celebrating Flag Day… in Wolfeboro, NH. How sweet!

While the man seeking to have the Court force the town of Wolfeboro, NH to remove the American flags adorning the lighted street poles throughout town might have backed down, the legions of enraged military families and veterans have not. Saturday is Flag Day. Every June 14th since 1916, Americans have commemorated the anniversary of the … Read more