Something Else Don Lemon and Ilhan Omar Have In Common

There is a long list of things that any two high-profile tin-foil-hat Proglodytes will have in common. A preference for high crime, poverty, and chaos, for example (in your neighborhood, not theirs). But now, former CNN talking head Don Le′mon and congress-critter Ilhan Omar share another hypocrisy.

Donald Cat, CNN Vase

Donald Trump is Going to Sue Jeff Zucker and CNN

Donald Trump’s lawyers have posted a letter to Big Wigs at CNN. Summarized it says, you tell viewers, advertisers, anyone who will listen, that you are fair and unbiased journalists. But we see (thanks to Project Veritas) that you are not. We feel inclined to seek damages.

Your lemons didn’t come close to making lemonade, Annie

Let’s just say that while Congressman Annie Kuster (D-NH) put in a magnificent political performance here, she kept that same upstanding level on WMUR’s 6pm news for the event that today was the last day for Obamacare sign up.  After all, don’t do it and you invoke the fines and penalties (although with the many … Read more

rooster Photo by Arib Neko on Unsplash

NBC’s Chuck Todd’s Roosters Lay Eggs

I don’t know if Chuck Todd has roosters, but they would lay eggs in his world because there is no such thing as Male and Female in Chuck’s world. In Chuck’s world, there is no delineation between a person with XX or XY Chromozones.

Tucker Carlson - Twitter news update screen grab

What the Tuck? Word War III

Upon hearing Fox News Network was “parting ways” with Tucker Carlson, the shock was sudden but the surprise was short-lived.  We are living in a day and time when virtually every sacred cow in America and the institutions they represent are being thoroughly savaged. 

Chris Sununu - crazy

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – week of 4/2/23

Once again, I take great delight to remind you all of NH Governor Chris Sununu’s own words about running for President: Hangover: An “Evergreen” statement by Sununu himself on low-rated wannabes: Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field. “I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates … Read more

The Morning Mail – Feb 27th 2023

It’s International Protein Day, Breakfast Day, and Polar Bear Day if you think you can fit three of those things into your morning. Is there such a thing as bear bacon (imagine the enviro-wacko reaction to that)?