Abuse of Power Scandals Make the Case for Limited Government

I’m frequently bewildered when I observe the Big Gov pom-poms shaken, Big Gov banners unfurled, and its flags waved with roaring cheers and applause. I wonder if those doing the somersault splits have actually thought through what they are doing flips over. Have they thought beyond the obvious short term, immediate consequence of more Government … Read more

Status of the Union – a very sorry affair

I tweeted during the whole thing and I’ll put them up later on.  In quickly reviewing them, I think this one sums up the speech the best: There’s NOTHING that the Federal Government can’t do – and nothing that Obama won’t refuse to have it grab. #GROK #TCOT #NHPOLITICS #SOTU But you all knew that … Read more

Will Terie Norelli And The Democrats Try To Ban My Refrigerator?

I think it is appropriate to add this picture (right) to Susan Olsen’s post.  The one with the ‘Journalist’s Guide To Firearm’s Identification.’ This is my refrigerator door.  It was modified by the manufacturer to accommodate an extra magazine capable of holding all manner of ‘lethal’ ordinance.  Soda.  Beer.  Water, in those earth destroying plastic … Read more

When Life Gives You Unions…You Make Unionade!

Every time I buy a new vehicle–my newest one is eight years old, its driveway companion is twelve so this does not happen often–I suddenly find myself noticing how many other people drive the same car (Truck, Van, or SUV.)  It probably works the same way with sweaters or Democrats who cheat one their wives… … Read more

“Mostly Free” and “Here to shut you down”: Scott & Mike have an economic point to make….but it really isn’t about economics!

It’s about Freedom, plain and simple. Scott has the simple example – a childhood lemonade stand; Mike has the ramifications – do we have Economic Freedom anymore?  If a child can’t even open a side-walk-side homemade drink stand that almost ALL of us have tried at one time or another (or if not personally, someone … Read more

Skip, Freedom Is The Symptom, The People The Cause

Skip, true. It is about freedom, but there’s more to it than that. I would suggest that state encroachment on individual liberties is a symptom of the problem and not the problem itself.  It’s about the people. It’s about people willing to cede their liberty and freedom to a faceless bureaucrat in exchange for the … Read more

Patriots? I watched THOUSANDS of them yesterday

As I wrote here, Obama wishes to twist the traditional value of what a Patriot in the typical Liberal fashion – lowest common denominator.  You know, one of the events that most Liberals disdain (and even the effete, elite Republicans) is NASCAR, especially at the Sprint Cup – simply put, "redneck NASCAR fans" – the … Read more

The Sweet Stench Of Left Wing Hypocrisy

The Union Leader wastes no time, exposing Hawkins connection to money she received May 11th from America Votes (out of state left wing donation), which Granite State Progress then used to support the Democrat in the special election she is squawking about, specifically to elect that democrat, in that election.

A small, lean military to protect us from foreign invaders….

This just in from Jamie Dupress at wsbradio.com. Please read the following list and explain why each of these military construction projects are necessary to protect the United States from foreign invaders. This is why they call it "the Welfare-Warfare State." We must dismantle both sides of the government spending-monster, or continue our spiral downward as a nation.

Weapons Ban Stands

NH House Bill 1693 was killed in the House yesterday by a vote of 191 to 167 almost entirely on party lines.  (Roll Call) Four Republicans voted with the majority of democrats that the measure was Inexpedient to legislate; DiFruscia, Messier, Pilliod, Vallincourt.  Ten democrats voted with the Republicans in their effort to move it forward.  So the … Read more

Low Hanging Fruit

Last week the New Hampshire House voted against a bill to let taxpayers adopt charter provisions establishing limitations on the growth of budgets and taxes.  The actual short text reads as follows: This bill authorizes cities and towns to adopt charter provisions establishing limitations on the growth of budgets and taxes. For those not familiar with New Hampshire, … Read more

Another holiday recipe…

Tequila Christmas Cake Ingredients: 1 cup of water1 tsp baking soda1 cup of sugar1 tsp salt1 cup of brown sugarLemon juice4 large eggsNuts1 bottle tequila2 cups of dried fruit . Sample the tequila to check quality.Take a large bowl, check the tequila again.To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour onelevel cup and … Read more