Team Trump’s Pappas Protest & ‘Fake News’

On Friday night, outside a fundraiser at the Puritan Backroom for Congressman Chris Pappas, dozens of Trump supporters lined up to protest. Yes, dozens, plural.

Josie Albertson-Grove, reporting for the Union Leader, described the group as “about a dozen.”

“We had between 40 and 50 people depending on the time,” said Lou Gargiulo, Co-Chair Trump NH, “The pictures and videos say it all.” At least 15, he said, were proud Vietnamese Americans who attend every Trump event in New Hampshire. “It further demonstrates how the lame stream media can not be trusted.”

The four dozen or so Trump supporters were there to protest Chris Pappas, who was elected to his first term in the US House in November 2018. “Chris Pappas continues to be a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi and the squad. He has a radical agenda to raise taxes and limit our second amendment rights and a strong proponent for impeachment” said Gargiulo, adding Pappas “does not stand for NH values and needs to be unseated or the NH Advantage will be lost.”

Chris Ager, chairman of the Hillsborough County Republican Committee, said the protestors were friendly, happy, and upbeat. They wanted to get the message across that there’s been “enough of these ridiculous fake investigations.” He added “time to get some real work done for America.”

Two Democrat contenders for the Governor’s office in New Hampshire spoke at the fundraiser, which was attended by 300 people, according to the same Union Leader article. Andru Volinsky, Executive Councilor in District 2, announced his campaign just this week before the Council’s Wednesday meeting. Dan Feltes, Senate Majority Leader, announced his almost 2 months ago and has racked up the support of more than half the Senate Democrats.

“[They’re] exactly what’s wrong with the a Democratic Party. If either were to be elected we would have an income, sales and capital gains tax, no second amendment and runaway spending.” said Gargiulo. “For me it’s about my children and grandchildren and leaving them a legacy that come in the words ‘Live Free or Die’ and that comes with turning NH and much of the country red.”

In a video Gargiulo shared with us, more than 20 Trump supporters are seen chanting “Four more years! Four more years!” and waving Trump signs. A few people donned chicken outfits, seemingly to mock the Pappas family’s delicious chicken tenders.

As of today, no Republican candidates for CD-1 have announced.

Other attendees to the dinner include POTUS candidates Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bennet, Amy Klobuchar, and Tom Steyer; and Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig, according to the Union Leader.

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