Should Obama’s DOJ Introduce “Project Street Walker?”

Given the success of project gunrunner, its seems obvious now that Obama and the DOJ will need to  deploy a similar program based on the repeated remarks of Vice President Joe Biden (see also Bite me!), now finding traction among the Democrat party leadership.  That if we do not spend billions more dollars by this Friday, we risk increasing the number of women who get raped.

Street WalkersIt’s quite an assertion, even for Big Mouth Biden.  And with crime falling almost as fast as personal gun ownership has risen, proving that there are more rapes being committed after this Friday could be a daunting task for Biden and the Administration. 

Sure, letting drug dealers gun innocent people down to make the rhetoric fit their required "reality" came easily enough.  But is finding a way to increase the number of rapes within the realm of possibility, even for this bunch?

How about Project Street Walker?

It’s a radical program where large groups of violent, unwashed, socialist, scumbags position themselves in groups all across the country, posing as demonstrators, just waiting for the word.  (As I understand it at least one guy has allegedly jumped the gun.)  When the time comes they start a revolution, raping women in the process, victims of stressed and understaffed police departments all across the country.

I think you can finish the rest of this.  It almost writes itself. (And yes, I think ACORN would be happy to help.)

Project Street Walker.  This could be another great idea from the Democrat Party.  Scare tactics, fear mongering, constant crisis, and even gun violence.  All so they don’t have to admit they are wrong…again.  It could happen.


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