America’s Own Bogeyman-in-Chief

Although a bogeyman is often thought of as a mythical creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior, it is sometimes used as a non-specific personification for terror, and in some cases, the Devil. So, let’s look at the following information complied by Judicial Watch (, and largely confirmed by other outlets such … Read more

Where “Grassroots” Can Earn You $100.00/Hour

There’s an ad on Craigslist for professional political workers. (the entire ad is on the jump).

Grassroots solutions, which claims to be a national field organization that is all about helping coordinate grassroots political efforts, is hiring people to help Planned Parenthood of Northern New England do door to door canvassing in the Concord and Manchester Area to promote pro-abortion candidates (women’s health)…that would be Democrats.  You get $100/hour plus gas allowance.

I have a lot of questions.  Like how can it be grassroots if you pay $100.00 per hour?  Or, how is it that Planned Parenthood of Northern New England can afford to run this canvassing campaign but can’t run their business model without my tax dollars?

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Should Obama’s DOJ Introduce “Project Street Walker?”

Given the success of project gunrunner, its seems obvious now that Obama and the DOJ will need to deploy a similar program based on the repeated remarks of Vice President Joe Biden, now being echoed among the Democrat party leadership. That if we “do not spend billions of dollars by this Friday, we risk increasing the number of women raped.

NPR Video Sting 2.0

James O’Keefe has released a second video on NPR. In this latest installment NPR exec Betsy Liley discusses with someone she believes is with the Muslim Brotherhood front group, how he might best hide a 5 million dollar donation to NPR from the federal government.

ACORN Cracks

  ACRON announced yesterday that it’s national presence is no more. The State field offices and affiliates will close up shop and the national organization will shut down by April 1st.    This comes one month after ACORN announced that the national structure had dissolved into state organizations.  ACORN’s larger chapters have been spinning off for a few … Read more

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