Not Paranoid -Prescient

Guns - ATF emails implicate plan to use Gunrunner to regulate gun salesBack in May of 2011, the first stories about project Gunrunner and Fast and Furious started leaking into the blogosphere.  American guns were used by Mexican drug gangs to kill a US agent and US made guns were turning up at other crime scenes involving Mexican Drug traffickers.  But the story at the time was not the narrative the left was looking for.  It was about whistle-blowers inside ATF claiming that ATF and other agencies were selling those guns to the drug dealers and letting them walk into Mexico.  In May of 2011 I said this...

Being who they are,  (Democrats) would demand that they short-stroke this ‘discovery” into expanding gun control legislation, and I’m not convinced that this was not a convenient side effect if not the entire point of the program.

And it turns out I was right.  I wasn’t being paranoid I was prescient.

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Has #OWS or #ONH Inspired Local Action?

Nothing says redistribute the wealth like stealing a Generator from Comcast. That’s what 99%er John P. Boisvert Jr., 34, of 5 Red Gate Lane Meredith did during the big power outage. Comcast is a great big company with so much cash they just leave generators laying around. Boisvert was observed “liberating” the generator from its capitalist oppressors and was later arrested for stealing.

Captain Obvious Gets More Affirmation- And why Democrats MUST Be Removed From Power

I’d like to think I was out in front when declaring that Fast And Furious was a government plan to bring left wing rhetoric to life.   Smoking gun

Or was I just being captain obvious; Democrats secretly selling American guns to violent Mexican criminals so they could later find those guns at crime scenes and use that to make the case for limiting the right to buy or own firearms.  Who could doubt that scenario?  It made perfect sense to me.  It is your typical left wing Shakespearean tragedy, staged to persuade the inattentive rubes who still have some sliver of trust in the government, or believe that the Democrat party just want’s to protect them.

Well this should poke a hole in that balloon.  “Why would an anti-gun administration knowingly force licensed firearms dealers to sell guns to violent criminals?”

Why is that?  Well we know why because it is obvious.  To sell their own preferred anti-gun policy potions and prepare the soil for their legislative “response” to the expected “outrage.”  But If Democrats are willing to do this just to deny Americans their second Amendment rights, what wouldn’t they be willing to do to advance every other part of their anti-liberty agenda?   (At least a few people could be having na epiphany right now so let’s give them a moment to enjoy it…)  OK.

Shall we proceed?

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Should Obama’s DOJ Introduce “Project Street Walker?”

Given the success of project gunrunner, its seems obvious now that Obama and the DOJ will need to deploy a similar program based on the repeated remarks of Vice President Joe Biden, now being echoed among the Democrat party leadership. That if we “do not spend billions of dollars by this Friday, we risk increasing the number of women raped.

Are There Fast And Furious Links To David Hartley’s Murder?

Has the Obama department of Justice lost interest in the murder of David Hartley because it could lead back to Fast and Furious?

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