The Pipedream of Senate Leadership by a Freshman Senator

A week or so ago at a rainy day gathering in Salem, New Hampshire, it was quite instructive to listen to the speeches of two declared candidates for the Republican nomination for US Senate, seeking to unseat Senator Jeanne Shaheen; as well as a non-speech by a then-undeclared candidate for the same office (who has … Read more

RRftSotRP – I get stuff. Third lesson: “if only the opposition would just go away or agree with us”

by Skip

Not a freaking clue:

RRftSotRP Missive - front-600 Part 3

Wow – just wow.  RRftSotRP (Republican Republican for the Sake of the Rebin big steaming piles on this one. The writer is obviously upset in that there is not total agreement with NH GOP Party anointed candidates.  The overriding message is exemplified by this:

(courtesy of uber-Progressive Joe Wernig)

Er, no, I’m not.  Not that from the writer. Nor should you.

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Let me amplify what Steve said for the Stupid Party that fails to listen to its own base

by Skip

upside down GOP logoScott Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Walt Haverstein; remember them?

Sometimes, Steve buries the really good stuff at the bottom of his posts – let me haul a good nibblet from his latest post up from the deep (emphasis mine):

So, after Gov. Sununu signs HB1319, which we hear he has promised the local actors for the DC special interest that he intends to do, don’t be surprised when the Republican base and NH Trump voters (most of whom are probably independents) tell Republicans up and down the ticket to go to hell.

Don’t be surprised because you asked, were warned that this would happen, and you ignored the warnings anyway.

At a meeting that nobody went to because it never existed, he and his minions were warned by a number of the extremely influential “influencers” (who weren’t there because there was no meeting) that in no uncertain terms that this WAS a hill THEY were willing to die against.  He and his minions were warned – DON’T!  These were some of the most vocal, respected, and Trusted voices on the Right here in NH.  Has he, and his “Smartest Political People In The Room” minions,

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Sadly, it’s leaking into the NH GOP: SB 1319

by Skip

Democrat Agenda Item - Mothers-Day-gender

Kelly Ayotte, Scott Brown, Walt Haverstein – the ‘Grok DOES have a proven track record against those that promote the Democrat Agenda in any way, touts that they were bipartisan to the extent of voting more with Democrats than Republicans, or dissing the TEA Party.  You can throw in the GOP Platform Principles and both Constitutions into that mix. There are lesser luminaries as well along the way.

Who is next, I wonder, I wonder?

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GrokTALK! – Scott Brown Can’t Change a Tire

Did you now Scott Brown can’t change a tire? We also ponder the irony of Governor John Sununu’s book on George Bush I, there’s news about Bill O’Brien’s new job. Then it’s on to the driving records of spouses of presidential primary candidates, and whether it would be racist and or sexist to bring it … Read more

The Irony Alligator Rises To Bite Liz Warren In Her…um…’Law Practice.’

Liz Warren - Practiced Law in MA without a licenseI’m having an Irony and hypocrisy overload.  Where to start?  Did you hear the one about Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren…?

From Legal Insurrection

Warren represented not just Travelers, but numerous other companies starting in the late 1990s working out of and using her Harvard Law School office in Cambridge, which she listed as her office of record on briefs filed with various courts.  Warren, however, never has been licensed to practice law in Massachusetts.

Sounds bad and may she burn in that special hell reserved for such scoundrels, but that’s not even where I’m going with this. (See the picture for a hint…)

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