The Irony Alligator Rises To Bite Liz Warren In Her…um…’Law Practice.’

Liz Warren - Practiced Law in MA without a licenseI’m having an Irony and hypocrisy overload.  Where to start?  Did you hear the one about Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren…?

From Legal Insurrection

Warren represented not just Travelers, but numerous other companies starting in the late 1990s working out of and using her Harvard Law School office in Cambridge, which she listed as her office of record on briefs filed with various courts.  Warren, however, never has been licensed to practice law in Massachusetts.

Sounds bad and may she burn in that special hell reserved for such scoundrels, but that’s not even where I’m going with this. (See the picture for a hint…)

Think about who Elizabeth Warren is and her claim to fame? She set up Obama’s Consumer Protection Bureau, whose function was (at the very least) to manage the Democrats regulatory beast overseeing the banking business and to make sure that customers could distinguish and or be protected from frauds and rip-offs?  And they wanted her to run the bureau.

And Elizabeth Warren has been running a law firm and practicing law out of her office in Cambridge (The Peoples Republic Of), without being licensed to practice law in Massachusetts…for a very long time.

From Legal Insurrection

As detailed below (at Legal Insurrection), there are at least two provisions of Massachusetts law Warren may have violated.  First, on a regular and continuing basis she used her Cambridge office for the practice of law without being licensed in Massachusetts.  Second, in addition to operating an office for the practice of law without being licensed in Massachusetts, Warren actually practiced law in Massachusetts without being licensed.

Warren is operating illegally for her own profit.  How Ironic.

So who regulates the Regulator?

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