Bill Clinton Endorses Maggie Hazz…um….Hasss….uh..Who Are You Again?

Bill Clinton in Nashua, No Reports of Sexual HarassmentThere have been no reports of sexual harassment (that’s Her-Ass-Meant) during President Bill Clinton’s recent drive-by endorsement of New Hampshire Democrat Margret ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan.  But Clinton did have enough time to say some stuff.

“There’s a great plan for the future of the state of New Hampshire: Smoke more, learn less,” Clinton said.

You’d think reducing tobacco taxes would be a plus for a guy with Bill Clinton’s ‘appreciation” for  cigars.  But hey, honestly you are right Mr. Bill.  Taxpayers should pay for someone elses kids to get drunk and earn a degree in the History of Gender Philosophy Studies .  Making them pay for their own education is so self -responsible and free market.  No one would want people like that.  And when they ‘graduate’ with a major in “The Catharsis of Economic Freedom And Opportunity Under Democrat Rule” they can stand in line for a job at Staples or Burger King and use their degree to keep the rain off their $500.00 iPhone.


“Nobody paid attention to what they said they would do when they voted,” Clinton said. “Politicians are actually more honest than most people think they are.”

That’s a good answer.  So Maggie Hassan really thinks it’s OK to physically beat Republican’s with a bat?  Got it.

Hazz…Hasss…Hassan said some stuff too but sadly there was none of that honesty Perjurer Bill Clinton spoke of regarding her actual voting record.  All the taxes and fees she piled on the backs of the middle class.  The attempt at speech intimidation by keeping small business out of the political debate.  The effort to socialize health care in the state.  And that 800 million dollar deficit that NH House Democrat Finance committee member Cindy Rosenwald admitted that Democrat leaders (Like Hassan) knew about but now deny ever existed…All sadly absent.

Just TEA party this and TEA party that.  You know.  Those evil TEA Party people want you to “keep more of what you earn” or  “to get a little more freedom from unelected Bureaucrats.”  Democrats would never vote for that awful stuff.


Quotes Courtesy of the Internet and the National Telegraph

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