Why We Can’t Have A Discussion With New Hampshire Democrats

Over at my other haunt, NH Insider, my Fridge mag cross-post elicited the following response from Democrat Jim Splaine on the matter of gun ownership, which exemplifies the reason why any discussion with Democrats on any subject is unlikely.

Why can’t we have a real discussion about this issue? Just like the myths of an “$800 million deficit,” or that “Obamacare is socialized medicine” (whereas it’s mostly privatized), or that “gay marriage is a slippery slope,” there a new myth a-brewing among the Tea Partiers and right-wingers that President Obama and the Democrats are after everyone’s guns.

We cannot have a discussion because the 800 million dollar deficit is not a myth, the goal of Obamacare is a government-run single-payer system, the slope is slippery because Democrats lied about their goals and intentions, and Diane Feinstein has legislation right now that includes gun grabbing language.

Real discussions begin in reality.  Democrats refuse to begin in the real world preferring the one they’ve created to explain what they claim to believe.  And you can’t negotiate with madmen.

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Bill Clinton Endorses Maggie Hazz…um….Hasss….uh..Who Are You Again?

Bill Clinton in Nashua, No Reports of Sexual HarassmentThere have been no reports of sexual harassment (that’s Her-Ass-Meant) during President Bill Clinton’s recent drive-by endorsement of New Hampshire Democrat Margret ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan.  But Clinton did have enough time to say some stuff.

“There’s a great plan for the future of the state of New Hampshire: Smoke more, learn less,” Clinton said.

You’d think reducing tobacco taxes would be a plus for a guy with Bill Clinton’s ‘appreciation” for  cigars.  But hey, honestly you are right Mr. Bill.  Taxpayers should pay for someone elses kids to get drunk and earn a degree in the History of Gender Philosophy Studies .  Making them pay for their own education is so self -responsible and free market.  No one would want people like that.  And when they ‘graduate’ with a major in “The Catharsis of Economic Freedom And Opportunity Under Democrat Rule” they can stand in line for a job at Staples or Burger King and use their degree to keep the rain off their $500.00 iPhone.

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