Bill Clinton Endorses Maggie Hazz…um….Hasss….uh..Who Are You Again?

Bill Clinton in Nashua, No Reports of Sexual HarassmentThere have been no reports of sexual harassment (that’s Her-Ass-Meant) during President Bill Clinton’s recent drive-by endorsement of New Hampshire Democrat Margret ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan.  But Clinton did have enough time to say some stuff.

“There’s a great plan for the future of the state of New Hampshire: Smoke more, learn less,” Clinton said.

You’d think reducing tobacco taxes would be a plus for a guy with Bill Clinton’s ‘appreciation” for  cigars.  But hey, honestly you are right Mr. Bill.  Taxpayers should pay for someone elses kids to get drunk and earn a degree in the History of Gender Philosophy Studies .  Making them pay for their own education is so self -responsible and free market.  No one would want people like that.  And when they ‘graduate’ with a major in “The Catharsis of Economic Freedom And Opportunity Under Democrat Rule” they can stand in line for a job at Staples or Burger King and use their degree to keep the rain off their $500.00 iPhone.

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