Introducing Grok Facebook Polls – Into the Breach With a Question About Abortion

We launched a new feature on Facebook today. Facebook polls. They will run for up to a week, and we will then report the results here, along with some of the comments left in their wake. If you are on Facebook you can follow the Grok and participate here. I can tell you we’re already stirring things up a bit.

My first poll was not as clear as some readers would like. The question is, “New Hampshire allows Abortions Up to 40-weeks. It does not require abortion providers to have any medical training or to report abortion procedures. Should NH consider requiring abortion providers to have some medical training?”

Yes, Medical Training

No, Let anyone abort.

The initial reaction is that we are asking the wrong question. That we should ask is “should New Hampshire allow abortion?” But everyone who reads us knows the answer. Most of our followers know the answer. I’ve written nearly a half dozen posts on the topic in recent weeks alone. The answer is no. It should not. There’s no debate there. I might as well have asked does GraniteGrok have two “G’s” in it?

Us all agreeing on that does nothing even to begin to address the problem. New Hampshire allows abortion up to 40-weeks. Abortion providers are not required to provide any data on procedures. They don’t even need to be medically trained, certified, or qualified. Anyone could perform one. It doesn’t take a political genius to know we don’t get from where we are now to even “infrequent and rare” on the first legisaltive “date.”

The question is not what we want but how do we begin to get there?

“How” begins by asking questions like the one in the poll. Should NH consider requiring abortion providers to have some medical training? Anyone who didn’t know this might be both shocked and activated to move on the issue. They might share that poll with people who would be right to question why we have so many licensing requirements for non-surgical professions but not abortion?

They might ask how what New Hampshire allows is any different from the oft-threatened back-alley business the Left promises if we limit the practice at all? After all, Kermit Gosnell was running as close to a back-alley abortion mill as anyone between four walls. 

I’m not saying it has or it will but nothing in New Hampshire exists to prevent that from happening here. 

If more people knew that, maybe something good would happen.

You can find the poll on our Facebook page. Feel free to disagree with us or anyone else.

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