If Santa was Asian

Steven He, according to this YouTube Channel profile, is a “Chinese-Irish actor and Comedy Sketch Creator. Professional Failure The Creator of “Emotional Damage” CEO of Failure Managment.” He is an Asian guy who makes fun of Asians.

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Being perfectly Capitalist here, we’re asking for help from our readers

Scroll down for newer posts. I’ve been AWOL lately from writing in trying to get some “behind the scenes” stuff done – apologies.  I have another bleg (an “ask”) of you, our loyal readers and it is pure Capitalistic, kinda. Well, two of them sorta aren’t and one, voluntarily, is…

Net Neutrality – Because ‘They’ Want To Bring It Back!

When the Trump administration encouraged the FCC to pull the plug on a Government regulated internet, they did just that. They got the government out of your “digital bedroom.” The usual suspects were outraged. But you don’t want the government regulating the internet like a utility. Not under any condition. And that includes crafting new regulations to control how entities like Google or Facebook or Twitter behave in the free market.

Let the marketplace work it out because it will.

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Google – All in for Hillary? No – anybody / thing that’s NOT on the Right


Well!  It seems that all of Google were crying in their cups when Trump “stole” the Presidency from Hillary (“Not fair, it was HER turn and we were ALL with HER!”).  Brietbart got ahold of their TGIF video held after the election and it is clear that they aren’t happy.  This is not news to a lot of us that follow this kind of stuff – Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chair, made no secret of supporting Obama to the max and many of Google’s (and other Silicon Valley companies) engineers took “Sabbaticals” to staff up his and Hillary’s campaign tech crews (in addition to doing a bunch of spin-offs in the same vein).

This shows the ideological bent of these folks back in 2016 and we knew it existed well before that. The highly publicized event of a Google Engineer, James Damore, who was fired simply for questioning Google’s diversity policies really started to wake up us “non-WOKE” folks along with the documented results of biased searches (as well as the demonitization or outright shutting down of various YouTube conservative channels (which is owned by Google)). What transpired before is now coming to screens near you.

Time to start thinking of Google and Youtube and the rest of them (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) as the online version of the Left’s Antifa?  SILENCE!!!

Who knows how long this video will stay up on YouTube…

A bit more from the Brietbart post gives a better quick taste – you DO want to at least scan through it (emphasis mine):

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A “Shooting” You Won’t Hear Much About From The Main Stream Media

youtube-logo-full_colorSomeone shot three people on the YouTube Corporate Campus this past week, and you should not be surprised if you knew nothing about it.

The perp is (or was) a female Iranian immigrant (refugee) vegan, animal-rights activist angered by being under-monetized, demonetized, and just plain-old marginalized by the video “sharing” behemoth.

Her name is Nasim Aghdam.

What kind of name is that for a psychologically disturbed white-loner NRA gun-nut?

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Here’s something you probably have not seen yet.

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