Biden Speaks (lies) to AFL-CIO. Facts Matter

Joe Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO this week in what can only be called a stump speech. It was a campaign speech complete with volume changes from whispers to yelling. It was big on style but weak on content. His speech was filled with lies and was both embarrassing and insulting.

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You didn't build that

Notable Quote – “but you DID pay for that!”

…The second mistaken implication drawn from the scolding phrase “You didn’t build that” is that those persons who are successful remain perpetually in debt to each of the countless individuals whose efforts contributed to that success. In fact, in commercial society each of us depends nearly every second of our lives on the efforts of … Read more

For all of the Democrat yammering about getting money out of politics…

First we had the newly minted millionaire Bernie Sanders grumbling about billionaires Tom Steyer and now Michael Bloomberg in the Democrat Primary. And now millionaire Elizabeth “You didn’t build that” Warren is doing the same thing: Warren Slams Bloomberg 2020 Run: Billionaires Shouldn’t ‘Come and Buy Elections’ Democratic 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren took aim at … Read more

Quotes worthy of note: Government dependency…

“Volumes of research have shown that Great Society welfare policies—such as public housing and aid to families with dependent children—fuel family dissolution, community fragmentation, generational joblessness, and government dependency….The Obama administration [is] more adroit at excuse-making and blame-shifting that creating opportunity, and seems ideologically incapable of pursuing the policies that fulfill the moral promise of … Read more

Rand Paul at the RNC –

Trying to squeeze in speeches as time allows.  Condi Rice, Susana Martinez, and this guy.  Someday, if no one screws it up for him, this guy would probably make a good president.  

We Tried Our Plan and it Worked….

Red meat, low hanging fruit, softballs?  Call it what you like but whomever is charged with working the mouth on the Obama-Muppet this month is either an idiot themsleves, thinks you are all idiots, or is so disconnected from the reality of America Today that they are dangerous. ‘You didn’t build that’ was a great … Read more

Guest Post by Scott Morales – An Origin of Nonsense and Monsters

William GodwinThere have been a number of posts, columns, and interviews regarding Obama’s “you didn’t build that, somebody else did” admission last week, but none that I have seen touch on the origin of such nonsense.  From what I can tell, the earliest work that outlines this belief in depth is William Godwin’s “Enquiry Concerning Political Justice,” published in 1796.  (I must give props to Doctor/Philosopher/Economist Thomas Sowell whose invaluable book “A Conflict of Visions” delves into the origins of political ideologies and has helped me, time and again, regain understanding of the dark side as much as I am able.)

Before I continue, and considering this is a blog, I think I need to draw the distinction between this Godwin (William) and the author of “Godwin’s Rule”, Mike Godwin, so as not to cause any confusion.  Mike’s rule is that, given enough time, invariably an online conversation will invoke Hitler or Nazis.  It’s an interesting little rule, but, alas, I’ve only seen it abused and substituted as an actual argument by the unthinking left when they’re confronted with the reality of where Stateism leads.  It’s like an online version of squeezing your eyelids shut, cupping your ears, stamping your feet, and repeating, “Blah, blah, blah, blah,” as loudly as you can, over and over again, followed by a speedy exit and, once far enough away, downshift into a strut like you just out-debated Daniel Webster.  It’s cute, just not edifying and completely different from William Godwin’s writing.

Anyway, here are a few of good ol’ Bill’s quotes. See if you can glean a few similarities with His Majesty’s latest reductio ad absurdum.  (You may need to read it with a stilted, halting inner dialog to get the full Barry):

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You have to build something else First…

How about those roads and bridges?  How did we get those? Tax dollars. Well where’d those tax dollars come from? Taxpayers Where’d the taxpayers get the money for the government to tax in the first place? Jobs and commerce Where’d those jobs and commerce come from? Someone started a business, exchanged their product or service … Read more

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