The Left’s “You Didn’t Build That” Now Applies To Your Kids …

About ten years ago, the political Left made a remarkable admission. They announced that whatever you had, be it income, a business, or whatever you’d worked to achieve, was thanks to the government.

You didn’t build that; whatever you had was at the pleasure of your political masters, an old idea that Marxists used to sell the end of class injustice. It didn’t work, has not, does not, and never will, but the appeal for people drawn to positions of power is undeniable.

Communists claimed they would tear down the old system and give the means of production to the people. The result was the complete loss of private property, autonomy, and individual rights. You and your output belong to the state, which will not tolerate dissent.

American Democrats invoke it as an excuse to arrive at the same destination. You didn’t build that. You have what you have because we did not take it from you. And this now includes your children.

My body, My Choice

My body, my choice, is an old and dusty idea that (to the modern Left) applies to scraping babies from the wombs of biological women but not much else. As best we can tell, the defining factor is whether it checks a box for Democrats or they can raise money on it.

Your body is, therefore, yours in the same way as your income. Your rights end at their privilege. This applies to women and men, but women can kill their babies or give birth, after which they belong to the state. That’s the message from Democrats who claim parents have no rights concerning their children.

Even if you homeschool them to avoid the “once they pass through the door, they are ours coalition,” the state believes it can come and take them at any time, no different than your property, at a whim. Search NH Child and family services for the truth if you don’t believe it. The door is the mother’s cervix and, in some cases, conception itself. Mothers deemed unfit have no rights during pregnancy or after birth.

This is now a standard of the Democrat party. They are not your children. You didn’t build that. And suppose you protest their treatment of them. In that case, you should expect to get pilloried by elected officials, canceled by their political allies, and you might even get a visit from a phalanx of (increasingly armed) bureaucrats to tell you differently.

For those who dare to think it would never go that far, your memories are short. During the so-called pandemic, police power was abused to abrogate the First and Fourth Amendments. The political Left and far too many on the right convinced the people this was for their own good.

But nothing the government does is for the good of anyone but the government, and the longer you refuse to believe that, the worse that problem will get.


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