Andrew Gillum for Veep?

Florida is a must win for Democrats in 2020, no doubt.  Without Florida, it’s hard to see a path to victory. So, it stands to reason that the presumptive Democrat nominee, Elizabeth Warren, would be trying to court Andrew Gillum, which was reported earlier by the Daily Beast.  Gillum lost to Republican Governor Ron Desantis … Read more

Hillary Lost

Hillary Still Say’s Vote Suppression in Wisconsin Cost her the Election – She’s Lying

The joke goes like this. Trump should build the border wall out of copies of the Mueller Report. People can’t seem to get over that. A second option might be Hillary losing Wisconsin because of voter suppression. 

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Trump Rally Green Bay

Trump Announces Japan’s New 40 Billion Dollar Investment in US Manufacturing

As promised Mr. Trump took a pass on the White House Correspondents Dinner and held a big beautiful rally instead. It was a monster event in Green Bay, Wisconsin. At which he announced Japan’s promise to invest 40 billion dollars to expand manufacturing in the US.

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Blogline of the Day – this is what happens when you devolve to being a mere rent-seeker

and stray from your original mission in life, unions:

This is basically Scott Walker on a national level. Of course, if the unions provided value, they wouldn’t have to force people to pay dues.

(H/T: Instapundit)e

UPDATE: let me add this which I bookmarked earlier:

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If it Only Saves One Life…

Wisconsin recently passed concealed carry.  It probably just saved a woman’s life.

Notable Quote: Wisconsin State Legislature -1859

Resolved, That the government formed by the Constitution of the United States was not the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself; but that, as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well … Read more

Mysterious Folder Conundrum

Love Birds

Suppose you fall in love with someone who is good looking, well groomed, and has lots of potential.  Let’s say you two lovebirds decide to get married.  Giddiness and joy all around…congratulations.

One day, you are at the supermarket, casually buying grapes (so you can feed them to your love, like they do in the old-timey movies), when a shadowy person comes up behind you and hands you a sealed folder.  The mystery person whispers in your ear and says…

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Look For The Union Label (Hint: There’s a Hammer and a Sickle)

Unions being Unions: Angry socialists and communists Union leaders in Wisconsin promise that the fight to destroy capitalism will continue. We knew that, but thanks for sharing.  It’s nice to be able to remind the people who may have forgotten or never knew what your real mission was.  

A Letter of Thanks from A Wisconsin Taxpayer

Scraped from a Milwaukee AM station blog; it is a letter of thanks from a Wisconsin Taxpayer

To all leftists, occupiers, union thugs and malcontents,

Thank you! What an election! We couldn’t have done it without you. Without your tantrums, outbursts and boorish behavior we might have stayed home for this election. Without your filthy, pot smoking hemp -headed minions occupying, dirtying and damaging our Capitol we might have been complacent. Without your obnoxious protests, boycotts and other actions from your union playbook, we might have sat this one out.

But you couldn’t hold back. You couldn’t restrain yourselves and behave like adults. You couldn’t accept the 2010 election results. We sat and watched as you erupted in a juvenile hissy fit that embarrassed Wisconsin. The spectacle you created is what motivated us. And thanks to your pathetic behavior, we won. We turned out. Big time! And now we are organized and energized. Committed. “All in”. And we aren’t going away. We now have our own organizations (no dues required), an army of volunteers and the means to communicate. And countless new sources of funding, including a donor base from all 50 states. And we have “iverifythe recall” to ferret out your infiltrators in our future local elections.

So thank you little boy Tate, Graeme Zielinski, Fred “Loonie” Levenhagen, Ismael Ozanne, Maryanne Sumi, Noble Ray, Charles Tubbs, Joanne Kloppenberg, Segway Boy, John Chisolm, public employee union members, UW TA’s, WEAC, SEIU, MTI, AFSCME Council 24 in Union Grove and WI prison guards,. Thanks for the death threats, the intimidation, the bullying, belligerence, thuggery and goonish behavior. The lack of ethics and the failure to enforce rules and laws. Thank you for putting your selfish, greedy motives on display for all taxpayers to see.

Your antics might have made you feel good but they didn’t make you look good. They sickened the rest of us.

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Walker Wins – Unions Lose

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air points out that…

The unions spent millions of dollars and over a year’s worth of effort to get a temporary one-seat majority in a chamber that will never meet in session.   And that’s assuming that their lone win from last night holds up in a recount. Congratulations, Big Labor!

With Walker and Kleefisch crushing the opposition in Wisconsin, and redistricting likely to guarantee them, at minimum, two Republican seats and a return to a GOP majority in the State Senate come November, the Union/Democrat electoral ‘stimulus’ plan for Wisconsin appears to have had as much long term benefit as Obama’s Stimulus.  Spend a lot of money, make a lot of noise, and get nothing useful in return.  It’s the same failed policy everywhere you turn.

So congratulations, but before I finish, I’d like to  add a message for New Hampshire legislators as well, particularity in the NH State Senate.  There is a lesson here you had best learn.

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Breaking: WI Governor Scott Walker beats Tom Barrett to retain his seat – Labor loses big time!

Another Update: the Incumbent GOP State Senators have been declared winners by 20 percentage points.  This is now an utter and complete loss by the Democrats and Unions!  But, as Glenn at Instapundit, keeps saying “Don’t get cocky!”.  But we can smile broadly tonite. Update and Big HEH! : Lt. Gov Kleefisch at her victory … Read more

Dave Willoughby Wants to Know Why He Was Detained?

Dave Willoughby is asking the same question I asked yesterday.  Where’s the proof?   All those cameras, phones, iPods, all with video, so where are the pictures of the threat he supposedly represented?   This close to a close election and it’s is nowhere to be found?  Wouldn’t Barrett gain from from proof of a Walker supporter … Read more

The Union Narrative on The Arrest Of Walker Supporter at Barret-Clinton Event

AP Photo I’ve received a few comments on my previous post about the Barret rally at which a US Marine protester was removed and arrested.  The commenters are making a case that David Willoughby was cursing and presented a threat to the Mayor and former President Clinton, which the Milwaukee Police News documents as follows.

David B. Willoughby, 39, of West Allis, was issued a municipal citation for disorderly conduct when he refused to comply with Milwaukee Police orders to step back from his location where he was waving a large wooden pole with a sign mounted on it. Given his proximity to Mayor Tom Barrett and other dignitaries, officers believed he posed a threat with the large sign and was asked to move back.

I think this is basically a load of crap.

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The unions have been defining “the Middle Class” as themselves – so what happens when members become UMINOs?

UMINOs – Union Members in Name Only (e.g., still belonging to the Union, but no longer paying the dues?)

I saw this a couple of days ago and didn’t blog it then because I got distracted.  However, I think it is a very important turning point in the Union political battles and that it shows a major chink in the vaunted “Solidarity Forever!” that is constantly blasted out in the political and cultural realms.  Frankly, this gives lie to the union yell of “Mighty, Mighty Union!” we hear at protests – the only takeaway from this news is now going to be “Mighty, Mighty Poorer!”.

I think this is rather amusing myself – after all the trouble and money spent by Unions all over the country as Right To Work efforts have become law in several states (alas, not here in NH because of some squishy Republicans not understanding that they were actually keeping their political foes strong and flush with political funds from their members’ dues by not following Gov. Scott Walker’s example in this).  And of course, the most well known state is that of Wisconsin where the Left is going all in AGAIN to try to stop “the destruction of the unions by Republicans!”.

This is just laughable – as they have a much more serious problem (as reported by the Wall Street Journal (paywall) via American Thinker).  Solidarity?  Not so much – given the chance, given the Freedom to Choose (after all, what IS freedom but the ability to choose among alternatives and letting someone choose something that satisfies their own needs and self-interests?), union members are choosing to not pay their union bills (emphasis mine):

Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees-the state’s second-largest public-sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers-fell to 28,745 in February from 62,818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed AFSCME’s figures. A spokesman for AFSCME declined to comment.

Much of that decline came from AFSCMECouncil 24, which represents Wisconsin state workers, whose membership plunged by two-thirds to 7,100 from 22,300 last year.

A provision of the Walker law that eliminated automatic dues collection hurt union membership. When a public-sector contract expires the state now stops collecting dues from the affected workers’ paychecks unless they say they want the dues taken out, said Peter Davis, general counsel of the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission.

In many cases, AFSCME dropped members from its rolls after it failed to get them to affirm they want dues collected, said a labor official familiar with AFSCME’s figures. In a smaller number of cases, membership losses were due to worker layoffs.

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Protester Arrested at Clinton- Barrett Rally…Because they Didn’t Like What He had To Say?

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barret has turned into the left’s sacrificial lamb in the Scott Walker recall. With it smelling a lot like smoked chops in the ‘Forward’ state and the DNC pulling up its financial stakes, Party ambassador (perjurer and serial sex offender) President William Jefferson Clinton got the short straw and went in to … Read more

Help Save Rebecca Kleefisch!

I’m sure you know the story about the woman verbally abused by a talk radio host?    Wis. Lt Governor Rebecca Kleefisch under attack from the left

When lefty Wisconsin radio host John “Sly” Sylvester accused Kleefisch of performing “fellatio on all the talk-show hosts in Milwaukee” and sneered that she had “pulled a train” (a crude phrase for gang sex), feminists remained silent.

No?  Not familiar?  You never heard about the radio talk show host suggesting that the female Lt. Governor of Wisconsin was performing oral sex on scores of other radio talk show hosts or getting gang banged?  What was missing?

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Starve A Union Save A Teacher

SEIU Union ThuggeryThe state has no right to come between the union and its workers right?  Well I think I agree, because we now know how that works out.

Wisconsin Teachers no longer have their union dues deducted from their pay checks.  They have to either sign up for automatic payments through their bank or write a check to the union each month.  Given how the anti-Walker protests went, or at least how they were portrayed, this should not have been a problem for the union.  You know, workers unite and all that Jazz?  Well reality is quite a bit different from the media adaption of the Union talking points we saw on television.  The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), the state education union, is laying off 40% of its staff in response to dwindling revenue.  But why?  What happened to workers unite?  Where did all the union protesters go?  Home to their own states is my guess.

Given the "choice" to support the Wisconsin education unions activities, many teachers have stopped paying dues and union staff have been laid off as a result.  So Wisconsin’s teachers just gave 42 state union employees their walking papers because they would rather keep the money for themsleves than give it to the WEAC.

The union is blaming Governor Walker and the Republicans but for what?  There’s no law against paying dues and the state is no longer coming between the union and its workers.  Kyle Olson at Big Government brings home the bacon…

If the union has anyone to blame, it has to be its rank-and-file members. Teachers have apparently been slow to provide WEAC with bank account information for direct dues payments, despite the teams of “home visitors” that have been dispatched to pressure members over the summer.

That situation says more about the union than it does about Walker or state government. If teachers really supported their union, they would pay their dues. If they don’t support their union, should they be forced to be members and pay dues?

(…)The suspicion is that WEAC is really nothing more than a small group of radical leaders who have been forcing captive members to finance their agenda for years.

Big protest, and we had one similar in New Hampshire, but what were they really protesting?

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Where’s Our Cheese?

…have New Hampshire’s low tax, local government, just leave me alone voters decided that a tax and spend, intrusive big government guy like Perry is the new (old) direction they want to pursue?

30 Second Ad – Joanne Kloppenburg (Wisconsin)

Something From Wisconsin to start your morning…

Picture of the Day 4-4-11

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