Protester Arrested at Clinton- Barrett Rally…Because they Didn’t Like What He had To Say?

by Steve MacDonald

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barret has turned into the left’s sacrificial lamb in the Scott Walker recall. With it smelling a lot like smoked chops in the ‘Forward’ state and the DNC pulling up its financial stakes, Party ambassador (perjurer and serial sex offender) President William Jefferson Clinton got the short straw and went in to perform the last rights at what was supposed to be a campaign rally.

Or, more likely, he just took his short straw to Brew Town because he’d like to see if he could get a little…beer with some foam on the top.

As it turns out, even Milwaukee might not be the best place for the Mayor of Milwaukee to run for Governor of Wisconsin. Or, Bill Clinton’s straw just doesn’t draw as well as it used to because the reported turn out was poor. But it is a great place to silence free political speech. The big story now, which was about neither Clinton nor Barrett, is the arrest of a Scott Walker supporter who attempted to “speak truth to power” in the midst of the event. His reward was threats of physical abuse from left-wing attendees (reported by Rosie Gray c/o Ann Althouse) and the clink of a set of joined metal bracelets as the Mayor’s own shock troops arrested the man and removed him to the quiet comfort of a nearby squad car.

Silly Republican.  Only progressives can speak truth to power.

Since no one yet knows why he was arrested–including the protester (David Willoughby) we can only assume the Mayor’s finest were under instructions to keep the opposition speech to a minimum, a skill the Milwaukee police might already have had in their tool box.

Instapundit points out

There’s…some sort of scandal involving the Milwaukee police, isn’t there? Oh, yes, there is: Milwaukee Police Accused Of Performing Illegal Body Cavity Searches.

Oh, and there’s the crime statistics book-cooking scandal.

Plus a policy favoring illegal assaults on gun owners.

Then there’s that whole vote-fraud business.

Nice police department you got there, Mayor Barrett.

I bet they don’t like being video taped in public, either.

So the big story out of Wisconsin is that Democrats don’t like opposition opinion. And if they just happen to have their own police force, you might find yourself in the pokey for a spell. And maybe that smell isn’t Barret’s own sacrificial lamb chops crackling on the fire of defeat. Perhaps it is a bit of smiley-faced fascism… light on the smiley faces.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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