Another Update: the Incumbent GOP State Senators have been declared winners by 20 percentage points. This is now an utter and complete loss by the Democrats and Unions! But, as Glenn at Instapundit, keeps saying “Don’t get cocky!”. But we can smile broadly tonite.
Update and Big HEH! : Lt. Gov Kleefisch at her victory speech “THIS is what Democracy looks like!”
All of the nets (Fox News, CNN, MSNBC (boy, this must stick in their craw!), NBC, CBS, ABC) are popping up the news all at once. The ONLY score I’ve seen was a 60-40% split (which has to be verified).
CNN: with 52% reporting, Walker has 58%, Barrett is 41%
(Photo: CNN)
Union reaction: “I’m still angry,” said Sandy Jacobs, an active member of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, who spent Sunday afternoon knocking on union members’ doors in the Milwaukee neighborhood of Bayview. “[Walker]’s not representing middle class people; he’s representing his own agenda, and I’m angry.”
Er, the empirical evidence says otherwise, dude. It seems that the effort that organized unions have put in to abscond with the definition of middle class (just like the Left tried to do with “Sluts”) has failed. By definition, the middle class decided that they did NOT believe in your argument and voted for your opponent, Gov. Scott Walker.
There are other States and Municipalities voting on public pensions / unions issues today – it will be interesting to see if the public has decided to keep the high cost entitlements for their public unions or decided, as the Left hates, to vote their own pocketbooks.
Update: Ann Althouse (law prof blogger out of Madison, WI): Lt. Gov. Kleefisch also retains her set.
Once again, Obama reverted to his IL State Senate ways – voting present. Why? When it came to “spreading his political wealth around” during the campaign season, he sent WI a tweet and an email. I wouldn’t even call that as “voting present”. So when it comes right down with it, Obama proves his true colors – great when it is other peoples’ money, spread it around! His own? Not so much.
Hah! Again, from Ann Althouse, the differences in WI political maps: last year and this year. Hmmm, based on THIS election, WI looks like 2010 NH.
And lest I forget (and the Democrats and Unions try to), Gov. Scott Walker IS A TEA PARTY candidate! Yo, Van Jones – you Progressives got out organized again – by TEA Party “amateurs”.