What Happened at the “Windham Incident” Board of Selectman’s Meeting?

An overwhelming number of people tried to get into the Windham Board of Selectman’s meeting last night – but couldn’t. Not enough zoom licenses! I suspect there were thousands who tried to attend – which led to the overload.

The Selectman were scheduled to discuss the “Windham Incident” and the pending voting machine audit mandated by Senator Bob Giuda’s Amendment to Senate Bill SB43 at last night’s meeting.  But a funny thing happened on the way…  the meeting was postponed until next Monday due to overwhelming interest via zoom.

Not so funny for the elitists in government is that Americans are engaged again.  We, the People, have been awakened.  The “Windham Incident” is turning into the spark of the 2nd American Revolution.  The cat is out of the bag, and there is no putting it back in.

Related: Will Windham, NH Produce the Spark Where the 2nd American Revolution Begins?

The BOS meeting was scheduled to start at 7p, but even before it began, the town’s IT specialist was experiencing multiple problems – including not enough zoom licenses.  Chairman Ross McLeod did the right thing and postponed the discussion on SB43 and the pending election audit (if passed as expected by the House) until everyone who wants to attend could do so either in person or via zoom.

The Selectmen then discussed expanding the number of zoom licenses from 100 to 1,000.  Windham resident Ken Eyring suggested they purchase a temporary unlimited license because of the huge interest in this issue, which the board agreed was a good idea.  Then the meeting continued as the Selectmen addressed the remaining items on the agenda.

This delayed the presentation of a proposal I worked on to define the Audit Process for Windham’s voting machines.  You can read the details in this related post:

Related: The “Windham Incident” Proposed Audit Process (Update)

Get involved.  Review the proposal.  Provide comments!  Help flush this document out to address the disturbing election issues that were exposed in the “Windham Incident“.  We all have a vested interest to ensure our voting machines work properly.  MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD! Provide your thoughts in the comments section of the Proposed Audit Process!



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