White Guilt Archives - Granite Grok

White Guilt

wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

White Guilt Wind

If White Guilt needed a poster Girl, there are many from whom to choose, but if you don’t feel like looking, Leah Stokes fits the bill. She is the senior author of a paper funded by pro-wind-energy concerns titled “Prevalence and predictors of wind energy opposition in North America.”

Pick a peaceful protest

Black Lives Matter – BLM Leaders Saying what they Really Are

When the real “peaceful protests” started to not be peaceful at all, and when you couldn’t tell the BLM rioters from the Antifa ones, we shouldn’t have been surprised. I try to take people at their word when they are saying something “important” (as opposed to noticeably just joking around).

Fabric Masks

Reverse Racism – only Whites in Lincoln, Oregon are mandated to wear face masks

TMEW just announced this to me – she gets Joe Kelly LeVasseur FB posts.  Well, it’s true. The Washington Examiner, Townhall, and Oregon Live are reporting that Whites are being singled out in this order starting tomorrow morning. Now, the latter makes no mention of racial discrimination for mandated masks – just that an order …

Reverse Racism – only Whites in Lincoln, Oregon are mandated to wear face masks Read More »