Public schools are government schools, government schools are monopolies, and thus…

The government school monopoly must be broken.

…government schools don’t work. Did you know that 2,000 high schools in America constitute “‘dropout factories,’ where more than 40% of the freshman class fails to graduate. Most are in poor or minority zip codes wehre kids and parents have no other options. These 2,000 schools produce—if that’s the word—51% of U.S. dropouts.”

How can this be allowed? Any private business that “performed” in that way would soon be bankrupt. In “Notes from the Education Underground,” an editorial in the Wall Street Journal today, it explains that when it comes to government schools, “The double helix of union power and bureaucratic inertia explains why public schools have been immunte to reform for so long.”

Solution? Choice. How to implement choice? Vouchers. Statewide vouchers. Without government control and/or oversight. If we let them retain any control or oversight…well, refer back to the “double helix” sentence above.


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