I’d Be a Much Calmer Person If I Just Stopped Reading the WSJ Editorials.

by Op-Ed

A reply to the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, “The Evidence of the Jan. 6 Committee.” The Journal says its Editorial Board (EB) stands “… against the ukases of kings and other collectivists; and for individual autonomy against dictators, bullies and even the tempers of momentary majorities.” Except for now.

This is pure Gigot-speak, and some poor editorial scribbler in a back office got the unenviable assignment to make Gigot sound rational. Nice try. Ukases? How about the lot of the many J-6 accused? Somebody said, “lock ‘em up and throw away the key!” American justice is now deeply stained! The WSJ is as loud on this outrage as it has been on Shakil Afridi.

Does the EB stand for solitary confinement prior to trial? Apparently so. This preachment amounts to bullying in support of a momentary majority: a ukase decreeing that we Biden-doubters must shut up. It’s like calling Trump’s claims that he was spied on preposterous. But now there’s a long list of what-abouts.

Those thousands of hours of unreleased videos? The ukase reads, “Stonewall!”

We want to thank Bryan Blanchard for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Pelosi’s and Bowser’s refusal to accept federal troops days before the event? The ukase says, “Don’t mention that!”

All those similarities to Michigan’s Whitmer Caper? Ignore those, too!

And all those shady FBI-connected characters who were involved in it! Throw in Ray Epps, too! He’s a must-case “forgettable.”

There couldn’t possibly have been agents provocateur among the protestors!

So is the EB still standing by the claim that 2020 was a “perfect election?” How about taking some time out to go watch 2000 Mules! The Geo-tracking that True The Vote used to corral the mules was the same technique as that utilized by the FBI to hunt down the January 6th “insurrectionists.” So it must be valid. Even Chief Justice Roberts swears by it.

The “momentary majority” is having their way with all of us, aided and abetted by the first three Estates of the Ancient Regime. And the 4th Estate (that’s you, Editorial Board, in case you forgot), is their handmaiden.

The nonsense aired on Thursday night was nothing more than than the latest chapter in the anti-Trump saga that refuted his claim that he was spied on, that accused him of collusion and treason, that brought Mueller out of retirement to despatch a tyrant and Biden out of his basement to bring back civility, and teed-up two impeachments and other assorted investigations and civil cases.

So where did all that get us? Look around. Life sucks in most major cities, and the economy sucks, too. Americans are struggling, and America is threatened from many directions. It could go even further off the rails if China is as opportunistic as Russia. The members of the electorate who pay attention aren’t buying the thin gruel the EB is serving up and laments their lack of real curiosity about what got us here.

I’d trade the Editorial Board and the entire cast of WSJ reporters and analysts for one Julie Kelly. They all should go read her book on the subject or watch Dinesh D’Sousa’s movie. Many of the rest of us have and are open to looking further into the evidence. For good measure, go back and take another look at the braggadocio that appeared in Time. There may have been something to it.

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  • Op-Ed

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