…and why we desperately need competition and alternatives.
This from today’s Wall Street Journal (bless those WSJ editorial pages!) where the owner of an employment agency writes in to explain that there are “jobs going begging” because applicants lack extraordinarily basic skills that public schools have failed to inculcate.
Those “skills”? Well, it’s almost ridiculous to use that label, since they’re so fundamental to being a self-responsible, functioning adult…but here they are anyway:
- The ability to write a coherent letter.
- The ability to use correct grammar while speaking.
- The ability to understand basic mathematics.
- The ability to interact well with clients.
- The ability to show up for work regularly.
These are “adults,” remember; presumably people who have graduated from high school. And yet, says the author, “The younger the applicant, the less likely he is to have these skills which older workers possess and take for granted.” In the end, “you have an electorate that is incapable of understanding or caring what it takes to obtain and maintain a job, let alone the impending fiscal nightmare heading squarely at them.”
Not to mention incapable of making meaningful electoral choices in a democratic republic. But hey! To the Regressives who have destroyed public schools in the United States, “that’s a good thing, not a problem!”
Maybe in other states where Democrats hold sway. But in New Hampshire, with the Republican majority in Concord, it will be addressed. It must be. For our childrens’ sake.