I recently quoted political analyst, author, commentator, and former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, who says “In the long run, the GOP is dead.” Why? Because the GOP’s voting base of white people is shrinking, while the numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians—all of whom tend to vote Democrat—are rising. Goodbye GOP?
“No so fast,” says The Wall Street Journal.
In today’s edition the Journal has an editorial entitled “The Meaning of Cruz.” That is, what is the meaning of the come-from-behind Tea Party victory by Senatorial candidate Ted Cruz in Tuesday’s Texas GOP primary? The editorial assertedthat Cruz’s surprise victory has more meaning than merely the surging power of the Tea Party movement. Attend:

“Mr. Cruz’s triumph also shows the degree to which the GOP now has a growing number of nonwhite rising stars. They include Florida Senator Marco Rubio, whose family emigrated from Cuba, Indian-American Governors Bobby Jindal (Louisiana) and Nikki Haley (South Carolina), Governors of Latino descent Susana Martinez (New Mexico) and Brian Sandoval (Nevada), and black Congressmen Tim Scott (South Carolina) and Allen West of Florida. The conventional media wisdom is that the GOP is doomed to minority status as whites become a smaller share of voters. Not so fast….The promising news is that this is not your father’s GOP, or even your older brother’s.”
They can say that again, and glad to hear it!