Coronavirus COVID

Letters the Laconia Daily Sun Won’t Print?

Rick Notkin hit the nail on the head with his review of Newspeak delivered by the neo-Marxists. Limited to 500 words (where it was printed in a local ‘news’paper) he probably couldn’t squeeze in the contradictory term; social distancing. Of course, there is nothing social about separating people from one another.

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Attn: Merrimack School Board (and others) – Masks in schools

This is developing into an ongoing series of posts based on a handout I created and which was given around at the Merrimack School Board meeting on September 20. In this post, I intend to focus on masks for school children. At the end are two earlier op-eds from Granite Grok wherein I went after Nashua politicians for their mask mandates.

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Why Fishing Can Benefit the Mind and Body in Tough Times

There is no question; current events will have taxed the most resilient of individuals, no matter what their age. Even with some restrictions lifting, it can be stressful wondering how best to cope with getting back out there while staying healthy and safe in New Hampshire. One of the best ways is through fishing. While … Read more

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