Why Fishing Can Benefit the Mind and Body in Tough Times - Granite Grok

Why Fishing Can Benefit the Mind and Body in Tough Times


There is no question; current events will have taxed the most resilient of individuals, no matter what their age.

Even with some restrictions lifting, it can be stressful wondering how best to cope with getting back out there while staying healthy and safe in New Hampshire.

One of the best ways is through fishing. While a sedate pastime, experts agree it comprises plenty of benefits for the mind and the body.

You can receive a healthy dose of Vitamin D from sun exposure, and it is one of the most comfortable ways to relax and focus on good things in times of turmoil.

One you cast into open water, there are all manner of things going on under the surface. Stress levels reduce, and blood pressure hovers around normal levels.

Mental health gets a significant boost as that Vitamin D does much more than strengthen your immune system. Anxiety and depression can reduce with this vitamin, but that isn’t all.

Your mind-body connection receives an instant link as if you were doing yoga. Once you begin to move with intention, you are conscious of your actions and thoughts. Anything else will find itself pushed to the backburner as you concentrate on the moment.

Mood, posture, and balance all improve with little conscious effort, and the benefits you carry with you for years, never mind a couple of hours when you return home.

Some of the unseen benefits you receive from fishing are those of exercise. It delivers much more than relaxation and being such a great bonding exercise between the old and young.

You can find many forms of fishing keep you active, rather than sitting and watching your line. It is possible to obtain an excellent cardio workout while you are continually moving. Also, you can do this for extended periods without fatigue, unlike a gym where you may only spend an hour.

Calories burned can increase with all the walking, squatting, and casting. Therefore, to get back out there, you should embrace the outdoors and pack your fishing gear.

Once you decide which patch of water to hit in New Hampshire, soak up the sun, and remember to enjoy the day. Make it worthwhile with the best fish finder, and watch all your stress and troubles fade into the background.
