Today “Woke” is a concept symbolizing correct perception and awareness of social issues. It is an unenlightening social movement. Woke has become a generic slang term. It broadly associates with leftist politics, social justice, and activist causes.
Jacob Blake, Mr. Felony Sexual Assault, Yes! Something to be Proud Of…
Jacob Blake, a black man, was shot seven times by police. The original video gave no context for the incident. But additional video and on-scene evidence and reports made clear the entirety of the story. It is an instructive read.
Megyn Kelly Drills Kamala Harris on Jacob Blake… How About the Victim?
Remember Jacob Blake? Kenosha, Wisconsin? Jacob Blake was shot in Kenosha by police officers. Since then leftists have been praising him as something of a martyr.
What Democrat Leadership Looks like
What Democrat leadership looks like is Portland Oregon. There has been months on end of rioting. There are many assaults. The citizens cannot use the streets without fear. Commerce is slowing and businesses are leaving.
Innocent until being arrested
Not too long ago, a Grok post made a couple of interesting claims. First, that ‘people are not innocent victims if they are injured in the struggle to arrest them’. Second, that ‘to protect the public, police are charged to complete an arrest even if there is resistance’.
I beg to differ with both claims.
Just Be A Good Person
Just Be A Good Person University, November recent year: hundreds of students rise up to protest the white privilege and micro aggressions of the “racist,” “bigoted” administration. The protestors don’t offer any specific examples of discrimination. But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that they feel victimized. Dog poop The next day, a bag of … Read more
Leftism Eradicates Character
Leftists tend to hold America in contempt. They prefer socialism to capitalism and regard all white people and police as racist. To them the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense. There is an implicit adherence to a belief that men and women are not inherently different or even that male … Read more
“A story unshared helps no one.”
BY Andrea Huff Those words have stuck with me since I heard them uttered from my college journalism professor. They guided my career as a journalist and they continue to do so as an entrepreneur in the health + wellness industry with what I share and encourage others to share as they work toward health … Read more