You Don’t Vote for the President – And Probably Never Will

Yesterday, the US 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on a suit over whether states have the authority to force their electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote.  It turns out, according to the opinion, the states do not have that authority under the Constitution.  At least in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, where the 10th Circuit has jurisdiction.  But, did this actually change how we vote for President? Not really.

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Is Biden Out! (Updated and Bumped)

Joe Biden- is he off the 2012 ticket?

From the Weekly Standard– amidst speculation that Joe “Gaffe Machine” Biden has been having far too many Joe-moments, we bring you today’s schedule. (on the jump…)

We know Biden is not doing the ticket any favors.

So is it time to bring on Hillary–though she and Bill can’t stand the Obama’s and the Obama’s can’t stand the Clinton’s either…but for the sake of power a Democrat will do just about anything.   Or is this just a sit down and straighten out Joe kind of a day?

[Update on the jump]

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Mysterious Folder Conundrum

by Tom

Love Birds

Suppose you fall in love with someone who is good looking, well groomed, and has lots of potential.  Let’s say you two lovebirds decide to get married.  Giddiness and joy all around…congratulations.

One day, you are at the supermarket, casually buying grapes (so you can feed them to your love, like they do in the old-timey movies), when a shadowy person comes up behind you and hands you a sealed folder.  The mystery person whispers in your ear and says…

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Romney Picks Ryan for VP (Updated)

This morning Mitt Romney announced that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan is his pick for VP.

I’d call this a great choice.  Given that we very likley have over 200 Trillion in unfunded entitlements to deal with, and Ryan being the only guy with a well developed plan–not for cutting or gutting but for dealing with the promises we’ve made and working toward a long term resolution–choosing Ryan says that Romney is serious about dealing with entitlement spending.

And while no plan is perfect, at least there is a Ryan Plan.

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