House Democrats Want Vote to Override Gov. Sununu Veto This Week

by Christopher Maidment |  Surrounded by police officers and writing “God bless Officer Briggs and his family,” on the official signature page for HB455, Governor Sununu sent a clear message that he supports the death penalty in New Hampshire, setting the stage for a crucial veto vote on May 23, far ahead of the traditional … Read more

Veto Override Day

Tomorrow the Legislature is back to address the governors vetoes. We explore the legislation on the dock and the governors reasons for blocking passage.  

The Great Wall of Maggie

NH sits between ME and VT as the only state of the three without Constitutional Carry. Governor Hassan vetoed that very provision last session, but the bill is back next week for an override vote. Susan Olsen from the Women’s Defense league joins us from the Concord Gun show to talk about the Bill and … Read more

How is the NH Union Leader Like FEMA…?

How is the Union Leader Like FEMA…?   Slow to respond and not very satisfying results.  (Ok, maybe they are not that bad, just maybe this once.) Five days ago the Union Leader reported that Salem NH House Rep. Marilinda Garcia was against the veto override of HB 1679- the partial birth abortion ban bill.  They … Read more

A Brief And Incomplete Veto Override Round Up [Correction]

The fate of Obama-Care and the Holder Contempt vote , and all the discussion and speculation that follows, will probably wash out everything veto override day - John Lynch Vetoes being overriddenelse today.  Before that happens I want to take a few minutes to comment briefly on yesterday’s veto overrides.

I have written at great length on all these subjects and you can search the Grok for more detail than I’ll provide here, but for now I will speak again briefly on the Veto overrides of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Education scholarships (school choice) and Voter Photo ID…

On the jump.

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Be Pro-Choice: Vote For The Right To Abort Unions.

If unions were abortions everyone would have the right to chose not to be party to it. Some liberal justice would have long ago ensconced that “right” into the US Constitution. And we would not be having this debate in New Hampshire. Workers could decide if they wanted to abort the union. But Democrats are hypocrites and choice shall not be permitted in the workplace. You will not, cannot be permitted to choose for yourself.


“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes”—Mark Twain


Reading Steve MacDonald’s entry, “You Can’t Be A Republican And Vote Against Right To Work“…caused me to once again step back and reevaluate the public debate about Right-to-Work. I opened House Bill 474 and carefully read it again…and again…I could find no provision within the Legislation that abolished Unions. I read it yet again…. I could find no provision within the Bill that restricted, outlawed or otherwise “busted” Unions. Not one.

Several reasons brought me to revisit this. First, there seem to be many Republicans who fancy themselves “liberty-minded conservatives yet they support statutory Union oppression; Second, The strident opposition, bad behavior, swearing and threatening by Police and Fire over this bill has created a loss of confidence and apprehension within the communities they serve. Finally, What Unions say about this bill is absolute nonsense and nothing more than bold-faced lies.

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“A moment’s reflection shows that Liberalism is entirely negative. It is not a formative force, but always and only a disintegrating force.” Francis Parker Yockey


The House voted today to override the Governors’ veto of Senate Bill 88 on the heels of the Senate voting to override last week. The vote was 251 to 111. It should be important to note that the Governor and his faithful went into overdrive to build support for sustaining the veto, to include a walking tour of Lincoln street area of Manchester in the vicinity of Hayward and Somerville Streets. It was there where Attorney General stated, “And we will be providing drug dealers and street gangsters with a new right to respond using more violence in public places…”

At the Governor’s press conference the morning before the house leaders’ press conference, Chief Robert Wharem, President of the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police, told WMUR, “Senate Bill 88 is one of the most dangerous bills we’ve had come before us in our time…” while he had roughly a dozen other police chiefs gathered around him, seeming to imply he speaks for all New Hampshire Chiefs. The difference here is many likely opted to stay home and not politicize this bill, remaining within the confines of their sworn oaths.

At the end of the day, none of their Charlatanry, pandering or demagoguing held any political water, resulting in the veto override which now means the bill is law. Now SB 88 is law. The streets will not run red with blood and responsible, law-abiding citizens will not be prosecuted for lawfully defending themselves against violent attacks.

But to be expected, whenever there is a gun crime it will be certain that the critics of the bill will point to this law as a manifestation of that crime, ignoring the fact that criminals with guns will still commit crimes. They did so before this law and will continue to do so even after this law.

This law protects law-abiding citizens, not Criminals. On the coattails of Senate Bill 88’s passage we will likely hear be hearing next from the Brady Bunch about the enormous social costs of gun violence.  Guy Smith, Author of Gun Facts, has undertaken a most complete compilation of data. Here are just a few examples:

Myth: The social cost of gun violence is enormous

Fact: Because guns are used an estimated 2.5 million times per year to prevent crimes, the cost savings in personal losses, police work, and court and prison expenses vastly outweighs the cost of criminal gun violence and gun accidents. The net savings, under a worst-case scenario, is about $3.5 billion a year.257

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“Self-defense is the clearest of all laws, and for this reason: lawyers didn’t make it” ~Douglas William Jerrold

Despite the efforts of Governor Lynch, his Attorney General and a hand full of unelected Police Chiefs around the state, The New Hampshire Senate voted this afternoon to self%20defense%20femaile.jpg
override the Governor’s veto on a vote of 17 to 7. The Bill now goes to the House where it will become law upon concurrence with the Senate Veto override.

During his walking parade through some of the meaner streets of Manchester, several demagoguery cards were used falsely implying SB 88’s becoming law would empower gang members…Which I find rather bizarre since Local Law Enforcement here will tell you we don’t have a significant gang problem.

During his many rants, Governor Lynch challenged the need for this law, claiming supporters of the SB88, “have not been able to identify a single case in New Hampshire where someone has been wrongly prosecuted for using deadly force to protect themselves or others. In fact, current law puts the burden on the state to disprove beyond reasonable doubt claims of self-defense.”

Well Thanks to Attorney Penny Dean of Concord, who provided reference and source materials, the challenge is accepted….

Superior Court, Carroll County No. 05-S-358

Joseph Gleason, an over six-foot tall and 200-pound burley fellow with a criminal record for violence, pursued Brown off of a highway, characterized as a fit of “road rage.” The five-foot, four-inch 140-pound Brown (with no prior criminal record) now found himself trapped at a traffic light behind other vehicles, with no route of escape from Gleason, as the 280-pound Gleason exited his vehicle and began screaming, yelling, swearing and pounding on Brown’s vehicle punching on the windows of Brown’s Buick.

With no way to escape, and fearing for his safety, Joseph Brown produced a handgun, merely showing it, but never pointing it at Gleason. Brown was subsequently arrested, charged and forced to stand trial. After considerable legal expense the case was noll prosequied.

During Joseph Brown’s arrest, N.H. State Trooper Beth Keyes asserted, “Your right to self defense is your right to call 911…”.

Superior Court, Merrimack County 2008

Tufano of Londonderry was charged with threatening Paul DeFilippo with a handgun in August of 2008 following a road rage incident on Route 93. Tufano charged after he held up his “still-holstered” gun in an effort to diffuse the situation when DeFilippo ran him off the roadway, causing him to fear for his life.

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SB88 Opposition: Same Crowd, Same Tired Untruths

“Self-defense is the clearest of all laws, and for this reason: lawyers didn’t make it” ~Douglas William Jerrold Is the average citizen really not all that smart? Is the average citizen not capable of making competent decisions about self-defense? That is what seems to be conveyed in this latest political campaign of untruths from unelected … Read more

Headline: Bi-Partisan Coalition Overrides Lynch Vetoes

So after yesterday we have a little bit more freedom, parents have more rights over their minor children, and minimum wage competition has achieved parity with the region. And Leftists will hate it all, and not just because it dog-ears a corner of their evil plot…

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