Memorial American Flag

A Day for the Veterans

Today is set aside to show gratitude to every man or woman who has donned the uniform. Today we put aside talking about the 535 elected officials who work at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., and give thanks to every man and woman who chose to serve and protect this incredible country.

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American flags

Sometimes You Actually Have to “Fight” for Freedom

Some thoughts have floated through my head after attending the nice Veterans’ Day ceremony in Laconia this morning. Veterans’ Day now honors all active and retired Armed Forces members. It matters not whether they served in wartime or peacetime or whether they volunteered or were drafted.

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In honor of our veterans

Veterans’ Day Thanking Those Who Served

Why and how are we free? The reason Americans are free is ultimately thanks to the US veterans. They saved the free world from German domination in the First World War. Veterans saved the free world from Japanese and German fascism in the Second World War. They saved the free world from communism in the Cold War.

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Veterans Day – to the range we go and Applebee’s we go!

by Skip

As I noted here, the Youngest did not have to wait long to enjoy his first Veterans Day – well deserved.  So, what did this prior 101st Airborne soldier want to do?  Yes, go to the range and put some of my money downrange.  And he did send plenty of it to the far end of the range at Belmont Firearms.  I think this professional was pleased that his dad (who, like all sons, seem to harbor the idea that extreme cluelessness increases with the number of candles on the birthday cake) had chosen well.  This was also the first time I’ve had the chance to put a fair number of rounds down using the Vortex red-dot and 3X magnifier as well as continuing the break in of new Sig P220.

Note: when we went it, the storekeep was running around like a madman – it was busy!  The Youngest, TMEW and I shared a single lane – all of the others were full (note to self – start reserving before arriving!).  In talking with the manager, I asked if it had been busy all day – he said nothing but showed me a single slip that totaled over $15 K worth of guns, ammo, and accessories (yeah, there’s a full-auto in there).  That was the biggest but I noticed that there were a stack of such slips yet to be processed.  He said that since the election, especially with the news that the Obama Administration is now pushing the UN Small Arms Treaty (see after the jump), it has been insane.  He also said that they are getting a ton of requests for high capacity magazines and he listed off what was being ordered.  Guess it is time to restock again.

We left the range with smiles on our faces (albeit, a lighter wallet) and went to eat: Applebee’s was his choice. In celebration of the day, they had printed up a special menu just for the Vets.  I have to say, the staff was making sure to make a big deal of any and all Vets that came in the door;  I was rather surprised that even arriving just after mid-afternoon, the establishment in Tilton was packed.   The Youngest was one of the youngest one there but there were quite a few Viet Nam era vets enjoying beomg catered tp.  Yes, I would have to say that this was more than just a marketing deal as it was obvious that the staff was spending a good deal of time fussing over each and every Vet.  Many came with families / friends but there were quite a few that were sitting alone – I noticed that these folks received even more time from the staff to make sure that they and their service was appreciated by the house.  Lot’s of “THANK you’s” were heard all over.  And just as we were about to leave, a except for one – a WW II era vet came in and got swarmed.

As it should be.

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